This is a scary time, one that has an enemy that threatens so many, across so many lines and borders – Covid-19 is a true leveller to society across the globe. But the crisis has seen people, organisations, companies, creatives and talent being galvanised to come together to support each other and also those brave souls that fighting for all of us on the frontline.
Medshare is an incredible charity organisation in North America that strives to get the equipment required to tackle difficult situations such as the one we are currently facing, as well as providing the best medical training possible. And legendary magazine HEAVY METAL , teamed with apparel company Threadless, is stepping up to the plate to support Medshare in the most HEAVY METAL way possible… From the press release:
Heavy Metal Entertainment and Threadless announce the release of a special Taarna facemask with proceeds going to Medshare
Heavy Metal Magazine helps out first responders in the Coronavirus pandemic by donating 100% of the proceeds of its Taarna facemask to Medshare
Heavy Metal Media teams with Threadless to release a Taarna facemask with the proceeds going to help humanitarian first responder aid group Medshare. The world’s greatest illustrated science fiction magazine will be sending their sword-wielding warrior Taarna to fight against the Coronavirus and COVID-19.
Facemasks can be purchased here:

This 3-ply polyester everyday cloth face mask is form-fitting with built-in wire on the top bias to lay across the bridge of the nose. They are easy and comfortable to wear, thanks to over-the-ear elastic loops that measure about 8 inches long. One size fits all, mask measures approximately 8 x 4-inches to cover both your nose and your mouth. Printed on one side and reversible to black on the other side. Reusable and machine washable, all masks should be properly sanitized after each use per CDC guidelines.
100% of the net proceeds that Threadless earns for each sale of these masks, up to a $100K maximum donation, is being donated to MedShare, a humanitarian aid non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people, communities, and our planet. MedShare sources and directly delivers surplus medical supplies and equipment to communities in need around the world.
(Note: This mask is NOT intended for medical or healthcare workers, and should not be confused with N95 respirators or other personal protective equipment (PPE). No warranties, either express or implied, are being made that these face masks prevent infection or the transmission of viruses or diseases.)
Heavy Metal CEO, Matt Medney says, “So far we have helped Threadless raised over $100,000 for Medshare and we’d love to bring that number up to $250,000. The ability to both help people in need and provide a product that the WHO mandates is something I would never have thought possible within the space I work. It is truly a moment of great appreciation for how we can come together and help in times of need.”
Jake Nickell, Threadless Founder & CEO says, “When the CDC released guidelines for wearing cloth masks, we knew our artist community would be clamoring to design them and that we could raise a lot of funding for frontline workers through mask sales. In just 6 days since launch, we raised our goal of $100,000 to MedShare and are now targeting a $250,000 donation! Masks are looking to be a part of our culture for the foreseeable future and it’s amazing to have Heavy Metal be a part of it!”
About Medshare
MedShare is a 501c(3) humanitarian aid organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of people, communities and our planet by sourcing and directly delivering surplus medical supplies and equipment to communities in need around the world.
MedShare helps increase health system capacity and drives sustainability by providing biomedical equipment training and service to healthcare organizations and medical professionals serving populations in need.
MedShare’s deliveries of vital medical supplies and equipment have decreased our nations carbon footprint and brought health, healing and the promise of better lives to 100 countries and countless patients.
About Threadless
Founded in 2000, Threadless is an e-commerce apparel company and online artist community. Consumers vote on artist-submitted designs that become purchasable catalogue products. In 2016, Threadless launched the print-on-demand ArtistShops platform to make selling art online easier. The turnkey merchandise solution allows individuals, companies, and nonprofits to create their own custom-branded online store for free.

About Heavy Metal
First published in 1977, Heavy Metal, the world’s foremost illustrated fantasy magazine, explores fantastic and surrealistic worlds, alternate realities, science-fiction and horror in the past, present, and future. Writers and illustrators from around the world take you to places you never dreamed existed. Heavy Metal was the first magazine to bring European legends, Moebius, Tanino Liberatore, Philippe Druillet, Enki Bilal, Pepe Moreno and Philippe Caza to the U.S. as well as showcasing American superstars Richard Corben, Jim Steranko and Bernie Wrightson. The magazine continues to showcase amazing new talent as well as allowing established creators to have “carte blanche.”
Heavy Metal magazine is now published six times per year. Most issues feature one or two serialized graphic novels, several short stories, and two artist galleries. Recent creators have featured Grant Morrison, Stephen King, Bart Sears, Tim Seeley and Kevin Eastman. With new CEO Matt Medney and newly-appointed Publisher and Chief Creative Overlord, David Erwin, at the helm, Heavy Metal promises to continue Heavy Metal’s legacy, as the leader in cutting-edge science fiction, fantasy, and horror storytelling.
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