ICE Brighton 2019 – 2000AD Past Present And Future (16th March 2019)


ICE International Comic Expo ‘Winter Edition’: Holiday Inn Bayfront Brighton, Saturday 9th March 2019

I was very lucky and honoured to have been invited down to the South Coast of England to participate in the Winter Edition of Shane Chebsey‘s ICE International Comic Expo in Brighton. A satellite event of the larger Birmingham event, it allows fans of comics in the area to meet with some incredible talent that they might not usually be able to go and see without braving the horrors of the M25.

You could argue that the headlining panel of the day was the collection of esteemed talent gathered for this retrospective – and forward-looking – panel, looking into the Past, Present And Future of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic, 2000AD, a publication that has thrilled and chilled comics fans and kids since its first ‘prog’ in 1977. It’s an anthology that has had featured in its pages pretty much every major comics talent that this country has produced, including our panellists: Glenn Fabry (SLAINE / PREACHER), Clint Langley (SLAINE / NEMESIS THE WARLOCK) and Dan Cornwell (JUDGE DREDD).

Photos: Tripwire Magazine (Joel Meadows)

The three and I sat down to talk about some of the highlights of working on the magazine, some of the more favourite (and least libellous) memories of their time at 2000AD and into a little bit of a deep dive into where the audience of 2000AD has been, are today and may well end up in the future as the comics continues to generate incredible stories on a weekly basis. It’s a hell of a chat, and I hope you enjoy.

ABOUT ICE BRIGHTON: Britain’s Coolest Comic Convention brings the ICE magic to England’s south coast with big name guests, traders and exhibitors and a full program of exclusive fun events.

ICE has established itself as on of the UK’s premier comic conventions devoted entirely to the medium of sequential art with our unique mix of big name guests, cutting edge indie publishers top dealers and exciting and inspiring event programs.

Now Britain’s Coolest Comic Convention brings the biggest names in comic art to the south coast with an intimate, high quality event featuring artists, writers, and publishers from all over the world as well as those local heroes keeping the comic scene alive in Brighton.

Intro Music: ‘Punky’, by


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