- Writer: Anthony Cleveland
- Artist: Antonio Fuso
- Colorist: Stefano Simeone
- Letterer: Justin Birch
- Editors: Chris Fernandez and Brian Hawkins
Thanks to Mad Cave Studios for the review copy!

STARGAZER, a new series from Mad Cave Studios, is about a girl named Shae and her brother Kenny. In the past, they had an encounter that Kenny is convinced was an alien abduction. 20 years later, Kenny’s disappearance causes a reexamination of that night. In many ways, the plot is eerily similar to SKYMAN, a movie I recently reviewed, with the notable exception that Stargazer pulls its lens out beyond the main characters to hint at a bigger picture.
The first issue establishes the central mystery introduces Shae and Kenny. Shae’s friends, and the other characters in the issue are largely just people for now, which is understandable given the need to establish the events that happened in the past and present. We will have to see who gets fleshed out more.
STARGAZER employs a hazy art style, with muted monochrome colors – effectively giving a sense of unease and lack of clear definition as to what happened that fateful night and what is going on in the present day. While there isn’t a lot of action, there are some very well done panels.
If you like alien abduction stories, X-Files (or Skyman if you’ve seen it), STARGAZER is worth a look. The book lacks cursing and violence, but there is a small reference to drug use and the alien abduction subject might be too scary for young readers.
STARGAZER #1 will be released on September 2, 2020.
Do you plan to read the series? Feel free to chat with me on Twitter or leave a comment below!