Thanks to Valiant Comics for providing a review copy!
Written by Tini Howard
Art by Amilcar Pinna
Colors by Ulises Arreola
Letters by Jeff Powell

In book 2 of The Forgotten Queen, a lot more information about Vexana (the titualar queen) is laid out. Her preternatural abilities are clearly a double edged sword for her, and it’s interesting to see Vexana deal with the negative consequences of seemingly limitless power. It still isn’t completely clear where the story is headed at this point, but I did enjoy the new background information on Vexana and her former(?) lover.
The artwork in this book continues to impress. I love the high action panels of warriors fighting, they’re packed to the borders with small details that make the world feel rich. Perspective continues to be a major design element as well. Pinna continues to play with top down and bottom up views that convey a sense of weakness or power depending on who is speaking in a panel. I just love how those choices subconsciously add dimension to the world and the characters.
I’m very excited to continue on with this story, I think it could be a really fascinating examination of many different legendary and historical figures. I’m looking forward to #3, which is set for release on April 24th, so check back in a few weeks for my review of that issue!
This issue is available today at your local comic book shop (to find your closest shop go to Comic Shop Locator at http://www.comicshoplocator.com, or digitally via services including comiXology and Kindle.
If you missed my review of the first issue of the series, you can read it here.
Also check out all my other reviews and interviews done with writers here.
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