WCA 2019: In Conversation with Rob Liefeld (WonderCon Anaheim, March 2019)


Comic-Con International‘s sibling convention, WonderCon (29th-31st March 2019, Anaheim Convention Center), has over the years grown and developed into a truly epic event in the North America comic convention calendar, selling out over its entire weekend and bringing thousands of talented creators, publishers, artists, writers, cosplayers, actors and actresses and much more to Anaheim in California.

WonderCon has developed and evolved from what was primarily a passive ‘experience’ delivering show into one which companies and creators can now bring new projects and share updates on brand new content – we have been lucky to have a couple of correspondents visiting the show as Press, catching up with a number of these fresh stories.

One such correspondent is our resident comics guru Samantha Maybe (@SamanthaMaybe) who met up this weekend with comics legend Rob Liefeld who returns to the X-MEN fold with a new book and a new character: Major X, an antagonist that promises to life particularly hard for our heroes.

DEADPOOL/MAJOR X #1, variant cover (robliefeldcreations.com)

“Major X introduces a new character who is certain to mix up everything in the X-world. He hails from another existence, which is called the ‘X-istence’ — a mutant Shangri-La, a safe haven that has been a realm where mutantkind has lived in peace and harmony. They escaped there following a tragedy that befell mutantkind, and built this community. There are some familiar faces that he has forged this other society with. But then a terrible event happens within the X-istence that causes Major X to cross over and land in the Marvel Universe that we know. But he doesn’t land in the spot he was hoping, so in the first issue he is in 1991. We progressively get him where he needs to go. By the conclusion of the story, we catch up to modern-day Marvel.”

Here, in this brief chat with Sam, Rob talks about his approach to writing this new chapter in X-MEN lore, as well as working with former creative partner Whilce Portacio, and also colourist Brent Peeples.

Find out more about MAJOR X, here: https://www.cbr.com/major-x-unmasks-rob-liefeld-newest-character/

Thanks to Rob for taking time out of his very busy con to talk, and also to Samantha for bring the interview to us.

Intro Music: ‘Punky’, bensound.com



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