Talkin’ Con: A Cup O’ Tea with An Englishman In San Diego s06e19 (10th February 2019)


“…no rest for the wicked.”

Ahh, the subtitle with multiple meanings – you got to love them. Firstly, the show returns after a one week hiatus, due to a dearth of guests after a number of last minute drop-outs (thanks, Superbowl parties!) and also a nasty case of Life Interrupting. Don’t you just love it when that happens?

Still, means that we’re back with a bang as we have ourselves a packed show with which to return with, with not one but two special guests joining us on the show this weekend; a bit of a ‘behind the scenes’ special show this week. First up, we are joined by Ivan Cohen, the Programming Director of Long Beach Comic Expo, which takes over the Long Beach Convention Center next weekend – Ivan joins us to talk about what his 2019 is looking like under a packed convention calendar and what fans can expect at LBCE this year.

And then we are also joined by Loryn Stone, also of Long Beach Comic Expo in the realm of vendors but who has her fingers in a number of pies including a role of programming for Pasadena Comic Con. Getting tables filled, attraction spots booked and generally putting together a lineup that will bring in the crowds is a tough job – we’ll be talking to Ivan and Loryn about how that is actually achieved.

WonderCon Special Guest announcements, and the impending Hotelpocalypse – we’ll be getting into all of that over the course of our hour. Hope you can join us LIVE!

TALKIN’ CON: A CUP O’ TEA WITH AN ENGLISHMAN IN SAN DIEGO is the weekly con culture live podcast, broadcasting every Sunday (6pm GMT / 10am PT / 1pm ET) and hosted by Leonard Sultana.

Each week, the best bloggers on t’web talk about con culture and, for an hour or so, we invite guests to talk to us and get nerdy and geeky about everything that orbit the best comics and pop culture conventions on the planet!

TALKIN’ CON: A CUP O’ TEA… is broadcasted live on YouTube, with a simultaneous audio stream to internet radio service Mixlr ( – the show is then shared to Instagram TV, SoundCloud and iTunes Podcasts, as well as our Patreon page ( Please Like, Subscribe, Share and Comment to support our efforts!

Our Guests, this week:

  • Ivan Cohen, Long Beach Comic Expo
  • Loryn Stone, Long Beach Comic Expo
  • …more amazing guests, to be announced!

Talkin’ Con is YOUR show – if you have anything you’d like to have discussed in these shows, or a guest that you would like us to feature, leave a comment below or drop us a line at – we’d love to hear what you’d like to talk about. And don’t forget to join in the conversation LIVE during the show, using the Q&A button in the video preview above or on Twitter (#CupOTeaAEISD)

See you all, this and every Sunday, at 6pm GMT… LIVE!


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