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Inaugural FandomCon to debut this July in San Jose, California

Today it was announced that Comic Con Radio would be bringing a brand new convention to the Bay Area this July. Debuting the weekend of July 19th through the 21st will be FandomCon at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. The show hopes to bring fans of various fandoms including cosplay, anime, comics, celebrities, and a lot more to the show over the 3 days.

Tickets are now on sale with one day ticket prices starting at $25 and full event tickets packages starting at $65.

More details are below courtesy of their press release.

Comic Con Radio Hits the San Francisco Bay Area With FandomCon – July 19-21, 2024

The Three-Day Pop Culture Extravaganza is Bringing the Best of the Comic Con Experiences into a Celebratory Gathering for Hundreds of Fandoms Across Pop Culture, Anime, Comics, Toys, TCG, and More

SAN JOSE, CA and LOS ANGELES — June 11, 2024 — Comic Con Radio, one of the top pop culture and fandom outlets in the world, headquartered in Los Angeles, today announces it will be bringing “FandomCon” to the San Francisco Bay Area.  The show is a one-of-a-kind, pop culture celebration for fandoms across all ranges that intertwines the most beloved elements of a typical comic con, to include cosplay, anime, comics, celebrities, TCG, collectibles, and more, into a beyond fun gathering for all involved. Taking place for the first time in the Bay Area at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center on July 19-21, FandomCon is bringing the Bay its first dedicated show that champions the lifestyle, culture, and thrill of what it means to be a part of these fandoms and communities.

“The Bay Area is filled with some of the most talented and innovative people and they deserve a show that reflects their unique and creative nerd culture,” said Galaxy, host of Comic Con Radio’s flagship show and co-creator of FandomCon. “I’ve been frequenting Comic Cons for quite some time and I’ve always thought they’re not as fun as they could be. Once you go to a few shows, they begin to feel overly transactional. We want to change that and this is why we’ve made this show for all fandoms! We want people to come and have fun, check out cool comics, collectibles, and  trading cards while showing off their cool sneakers and cosplay to really truly celebrate their fandoms and pop culture passions while viewing the cool things on display from amazing artists and vendors.”

FandomCon’s three-day celebration of pop culture and more will merge multiple worlds together, where collectors, celebrities, creators, artists, and their biggest fans unite for an unforgettable experience. More than just a marketplace to buy, trade, and sell cards, comics, and collectibles, this particular FandomCon brings the immersive elements of Comic Con into the experience with panels featuring some of the most beloved talent from the Bay Area and around the world, passionate vendors that represent these fandoms through their craft, a nostalgic arcade area, a modern gaming area, etc. Tickets go on sale at https://fandomcon.com/tickets/.

“FandomCon is for everyone, no matter what their fandom is. No matter what your favorite cosplay ensemble or favorite fan tee is, if you’re a lover of zombies, have a favorite comic book character, TV show, book, movie or passion, we hope everyone in the Bay Area who wants to celebrate their fandom will come out and show it,” Galaxy continued. “The beauty of our show is there will be a celebration of all fandoms under one roof. We want people to show up, have fun and just be themselves. Whatever it is, we’ve made a way to celebrate everyone’s fandoms easily by bringing one of the most unique Cons to ever come to the Bay Area.”

To learn more about FandomCon, visit https://fandomcon.com/.

FandomCon is first-of-its-kind, three-day pop culture extravaganza that intermixes the most beloved elements of a typical comic con, from cosplay, anime, comics, toys, trading cards and celebrities, into celebratory gathering for all fandoms. Taking place for the first time at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, FandomCon is bringing the San Francisco Bay Area the show it deserves by morphing the traditional comic con experience into one that immerses fans and attendees into their favorite fandoms. FandomCon champions the lifestyle, culture, and thrill of what it means to be a part of these iconic creations and delivers an interactive experience that appeals to collectors, creators, and devoted fans. FandomCon merges multiple worlds together, where collectors, celebrities, creators, artists, and their biggest fans unite for an unforgettable experience; deeming it the “coolest pop culture show in the universe” that will bring fans an event unlike any other show they’ve ever witnessed. FandomCon is a 3-day pop culture extravaganza like no other, where collectors, industry icons, celebrities, creators, artists, and their biggest supporters “YOU” come together for a super-duper, wonderfully amazing and unforgettable experience. Mingle with fellow fans, flaunt your cosplay, explore incredible cards, comics and collectibles, attend engaging main stage panels, and so much more – That’s right, only at FandomCon! From start to finish, FandomCon promises non-stop entertainment for everyone. Get ready to experience the most unique and thrilling pop culture show ever!

With thousands of celebrity interviews over the past 15 years, Comic Con Radio has become a mainstay in the fandom world. Our flagship show, hosted by Galaxy, which has been ranked one of the top podcasts in the world, has covered all topics from TV to film to comic books to anime, establishing a reliable network for fans to feed their daily pop culture cravings. In recent years, Comic Con Radio has expanded its brand in Spoiler Media, now encompassing all facets of the entertainment industry and well on its way to becoming the number one pop culture outlet in the world.

Dan Berry
Dan Berry
Dan Berry is a man of mystery, an enigma that flits from convention to convention like a spectre, like a spirit. His interests range far and wide: he cannot be determined, he cannot be defined, he cannot be contained. He's like the wind. He also is a Sagittarius and enjoys a nice Italian.

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