BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD was one of the TV shows that left an indelible mark on my development as a youth (probably to my detriment). The MTV cartoon featured two knuckleheads inexplicably named Beavis and Butt-Head who commented on music videos and went on adventures that mostly served as an excuse to laugh at double entendres. It was juvenile humor and I loved it, so when I was given a chance to review The Great Cornholio Game, I leapt at the chance and corralled my poor wife into playing. So, does the game do the show justice?
The Great Cornholio Game consists of a deck of cards, each featuring one of the duo’s trademark insults and two different letters in each of the corners. The cards are thick and sturdy, with a nice finish becoming such an epic show (huh huh, he said…)
The game is simple, you have a deck of cards and you have to find an insult whose first letter matches one of the letters on the face up card on the table. When you play your card, the letters in the corners of that card become the letter that must be matched. When my wife and I faced off, our different play styles reflected our affiliation with the source material. Every time I played my card, I gleefully delivered the insult in my best Butt-Head impresion (which I pride myself on). Meanwhile, my wife figured out the rules and ruthlessly defeated me, delivering her insults in a speedy fashion (though she did crack up when she called me a ‘butt ventriloquist.’) In some ways, her largely monotone delivery made me laugh even more. Even though we were coming to the game with different perspectives, we each enjoyed it – Me due to the source material and my wife because she excelled at playing the game. This is the type of game where the end result is not as important as the fun you have playing, and a game that gives me license to call someone a “nut toaster” is worth its weight in gold. While the game played well with 2, it can easily scale up to any number of players.
As my friends can attest, delivering insults in the voice of Beavis and Butt-Head never gets old for me. For the rest of the world, this is a light party game whose shelf life will largely depend on how much fun you can have calling your friends “bung hole” and “fart knocker.” It only takes ten seconds to learn, so if one group of friends tires of the game, you can easily rope in another group. I’d suggest a house rule requiring players to deliver their cards using their best Beavis and Butt-Head impresson. Perhaps the game sells well enough, they can make a Daria spinoff, I mean, expansion.
The game is recommended for ages 14+. This is deserved based on the insults on the card. I think the ideal audience is people who watched the show, as the insults will bring back fond memories. Fans of Beavis and Butt-Head will likely love this game. My wife knew about the show, but didn’t recall ever watching it. The fact that she enjoyed the game and got some laughs indicates there is a chance people who haven’t watched the show can enjoy the game.
Uhhhhhhhhh, thank you to Goliath Games for providing a review copy of this game.
Beavis & Butt-Head The Great Cornholio Game is now available at major retailers including Amazon, Calendars.com, Hot Topic, and more.