DEBRIS is a sci-fi show in the vein of X-FILES in which two intrepid investigators solve a mystery caused by a piece of alien wreckage that has landed on Earth. Each piece has different powers, leading to a unique challenge to unravel each week. Last week’s episode was essentially a debris fueled mechanism to provide a flashback into Bryan’s past. Where most episodes lean heavily towards science, the mysterious woman fueling the flashbacks had a distinct spiritual bent. This episode continues that trend and gives the impression that there is some sort of higher power involved in the debris. I’m willing to go along with it, but I wasn’t entirely convinced by Bryan’s turn in the episode.
Unlike last week’s lackluster beard makeup, this episode returns to the high quality of special effects the show has consistently delivered – from the stinger opening sequence to the teleporting crumpling boxes, to the creative demise of a disposable scientist, this show employed a variety of vivid visuals.

This episode also delivered on some of the other storylines – working in information about the agency’s doings as well as finally reintegrating the shadow group. After being introduced as a potential primary antagonist in the pilot, they’ve been largely sidelined since. I still think there’s a good chance they will be revealed as the real good guys.
If you like science fiction, DEBRIS is worth a try. It combines two likeable leads with interesting mysteries of the week, while maintaining the ongoing story in each episode. While I recommend starting with the beginning of this heavily serialized show, at a minimum this episode is heavily dependent on the prior episode.
Random DEBRIS Musings:
- For a guy who is on the run from the government, Finola’s dad seems to take precious few precautions. He drives across the country and talks to his daughter on the phone while she is in a government facility.
- The space suits the team wears must be pretty legit – they seem to be the only things that can protect you from the effects of the debris. At least they look cool – orange is a good color choice.
- This show excels in techno-jargon (think Star Trek). Riann Steele does an excellent job selling her scientific sounding theories to solve things.
- The show’s use of tin foil is a nice touch.
DEBRIS airs Mondays on NBC at 10pm Eastern and Pacific.
Check back soon for my thoughts on the twelfth episode of the show, which is titled “Celestial Body”.
Have you been watching the show? Are you a fan? Feel free to chat with me on Twitter or leave a comment below!