After four episodes in the background, the shadowy bad guy group known as Influx plays a major role in this episode. Kudos to the writers for making the leader (Scroobius Pip) interesting with the minimum amount of dialogue. While the episode kicks off with the standard debris caused anomaly, in this episode that event serves as the catalyst to see what the Influx gang is up to. While the mystery isn’t up to the creepy level of the other episodes (terraforming rain, floating people, clones), the opening special effect is top notch.
Last episode, Finola (Riann Steele) disagreed with Bryan’s (Jonathan Tucker) heartless methods and found out he’s been keeping things from her. In this episode, she’s a bit off. I realize it is part of the story, but I felt her struggling to work with Bryan to be a little bit on the nose. Given her skills as an agent, I’d think she could hide her emotions a bit better. While most partner shows start off with the characters not trusting each other and gradually have them learn to work together, DEBRIS is taking the opposite approach by driving a wedge between two people who were getting along quite well.
Now that we’ve seen more of Influx, I’m curious to see what their big plan is. Given the secrets the British and Americans are hiding from each other, I’m getting the sense that maybe Scroob and the gang are going to turn out to be good guys. That’s just a hunch, but it wouldn’t surprise me to find out Bryan and Finola’s handlers are part of a conspiracy. Speaking of the handlers, I’m curious to see where Bryan’s boss’ marital problems storyline is going. Coupling that with his son’s required treatment seems to be employed to show how much pressure he is under. Finola’s sister is another dangling subplot I’m waiting to see drawn into the main story. Finally, Mallory is given a chance to shine this episode, which is welcome given the focus on Bryan and Finola throughout the series.

Usually, DEBRIS focuses on the debris of the week and throws in some of the ongoing conspiracy storyline. Episode 5 takes the standard formula and amps up the ongoing story elements. As a result, this episode is less standalone than the prior few. I therefore recommend watching the pilot to get a sense of what Influx is. While this wasn’t my favorite episode, in part because it seemed less heartfelt than prior installments, it does a good job of advancing the ongoing story.
DEBRIS airs Mondays on NBC at 10pm Eastern and Pacific.
Check back soon for my thoughts on the next episode of the show.
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