The eighth episode of DEBRIS kicked off with another mysterious debris caused phenomena. While limited in scope, the opening segment delivered a strong special effect that set up the episode’s debris of the week. In a departure from prior episodes, that debris was largely pushed to the side to make room for the ongoing storyline that has connected the stories thus far.
While we get a resolution to the mystery, it feels kind of rushed. Normally, this would be frustrating. In this case, the payoff is worth the tradeoff. The ongoing frenemy relationship between England and America is amped up a notch which puts both Finola and Bryan in tough positions. In some ways, this episode brings that conflict to a head, though I must admit I’m still not exactly clear what each side is up to. I’ve enjoyed the corresponding moves of the agents’ handlers throughout the series, and this episode is no exception.
With that said, what makes this episode satisfying is the movement on the ongoing mystery regarding Finola’s dad. We finally get a solid explanation about what happened to him, which is a pretty huge reveal. While that ongoing question is at least partially solved, this episode also introduces a new mysterious situation involving one of the British agents that is actually more interesting to me. It isn’t a focus of the episode, but just enough was revealed to make me want to see more.

While this episode continued DEBRIS’ trend of addressing a standalone mystery and the ongoing story, it definitely skewed towards the bigger picture mythology. It will be interesting to see where the story goes next, as this episode feels like a paradigm shift. DEBRIS has been an impressive sci-fi show so far, and I strongly recommend you give it a try, particularly if you like shows like X-FILES and FRINGE. Given the ongoing storyline that runs through each episode, I recommend starting with the first episode.
DEBRIS airs Mondays on NBC at 10pm Eastern and Pacific.
Check back soon for my thoughts on the next episode of the show.
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