“Remember, remember, the Fifth of November…” Sure, history books will always have the eponymous date fixed as a celebration of one destined man, determined to upset the established order with a singularly explosive statement. But for 2019, 5th November can also be marked by art fans as the day another maverick celebrates his own incendiary impact on the world of comics: Bill Sienkiewicz.
In collaboration with Six Foot Press, the legendary artist behind the likes of NEW MUTANTS, MOON KNIGHT, ELEKTRA: ASSASSIN and SANDMAN will have the first volume hitting the shelves of a new book trilogy – BILL SIENKIEWICZ: REVOLUTION – which will showcase the processes, influences and the myriad of styles that Bill utilizes to this day to create some of the most evocative pages in the comics.
REVOLUTION will also most certainly be for the fans, as it promises to be a high-quality publication in a hardback format, featuring over 200 pages of incredible art (some of it never seen before), and also containing an introduction by none other than Neil Gaiman, an essay from award-winning writer Ben Davis and an exclusive interview with the man Sienkiewicz himself.
In addition to this ‘standard’ $49.95 edition, there is also going to be a Limited Edition version ina deluxe clamshell box, available to only a 1,000 print run, signed and numbered, containing a set of forty prints of specially curated pieces and covers, with the whole kit and caboodle clocking in at a whopping-yet-totally-justified $350.
It sounds like BILL SIENKIEWICZ: REVOLUTION will be an essential purchase for anyone who appreciates the very best that comics can be – no dates as yet on when the following two volumes will be released but expect them to be just as desirable. And, if anyone at Six Foot Press has any sense, rhyme or reason, they’ll be out before July 2020 when Sienkiewicz is up for a long, long overdue Will Eisner Awards Hall Of Fame nod at next years San Diego Comic-Con…
More details from the Six Point Press press release about BILL SIENKIEWICZ: REVOLUTION, available from bookshops tomorrow:

First Ever Bill Sienkiewicz: Revolution Art Book Arrives Tomorrow, November 5th
“He is Bill Sienkiewicz, and he’s up on the pedestals already. He is acknowledged. But my hope is that a book like this, filled with Bill’s art all in one place, will show people who think they know what Bill can do, exactly how much more he can do than any of them had ever dreamed.”
Neil Gaiman, author of The Sandman
The name Bill Sienkiewicz is synonymous with groundbreaking illustration. A classically trained painter, Sienkiewicz’s art incorporates abstract and expressionist influences and combines oil painting, acrylics, watercolor, mixed media, collage, and mimeograph. It is in no way overstating things to say that when Sienkiewicz made his debut in 1979 as a comic book artist drawing Marvel’s Moon Knight that there had never been another comic artist like him.
For four decades, Sienkiewicz’s style and storytelling have pushed against the preconceptions of the comic book medium, in the pages of comics like STRAY TOASTERS, THE NEW MUTANTS and ELEKTRA: ASSASSIN and on the iconic covers of SANDMAN, DAREDEVIL, DAZZLER and more.

Sienkiewicz’s art has been exhibited at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and art galleries in Paris, Barcelona, and Tuscany. He’s created iconic album art for the RZA’s BOBBY DIGITAL and E.P.M.D’s BUSINESS AS USUAL and the popular game RESIDENT EVIL. His artwork has been central to advertising campaigns for Nike, MTV, Nissan, and the 2006 Winter Olympics, and he’s provided storyboards for dozens of Hollywood films. It is a career breathtaking in its scope and diversity.
Tomorrow, November 5th, Six Foot Press debuts the first volume of BILL SIENKIEWICZ: REVOLUTION, an unprecedented, three book celebration of a unique and unpredictable artist. This first ever Bill Sienkiewicz’ art book features:
● An introduction by bestselling writer Neil Gaiman;
● A comprehensive and incisive essay by Ben Davis, the award-winning Senior Writer for Artnet News;
● A candid interview with Sienkiewicz, conducted by Chul R. Kim, about the artist’s influences, techniques and the future of comic book art;
● More than 200 pages of art, much of it rarely seen;
● A 9.5 x 12″, 224-page hardcover book, covered in luxurious 100% cloth fabric, with two embossed, tipped-in images on the front and back cover;
● $49.95 available everywhere books are sold.

“Bill Sienkiewicz is a great comic book artist and a great artist, period,” writes Ben Davis. “He’s both mastered the visual storytelling of costumed heroics and hatched works of the most singularly weird, personal, and tough-to-categorize kind. Sometimes Sienkiewicz has actually done both at once—which in my opinion is what makes him really great. Just exactly how he’s pulled off this trick is what we try to show in this book, so I hope the result has something new to offer art snobs and superfans alike.”
Also available November 5th from Six Foot Press is a Limited Edition format that is numbered and signed by Sienkiewicz, limited to 1,000 copies and retailing for $350.00. The Limited Edition includes a fabric-wrapped clamshell box containing a collection of 40 individual deluxe reproductions of previously unpublished paintings, drawings, sketches, and mixed media works from four decades of Sienkiewicz’s notebooks and personal collection, as well as other private collections.

“Bill’s work has served to revolutionize the comic book industry. But he is a fine artist whose experimental techniques and unusual mixing of mediums deserve serious consideration by the larger art world,” said Charles Kim, Publisher of Six Foot Press and former Associate Publisher of The Museum of Modern Art in New York. “This three-volume series will give us the chance to explore his output from a new perspective.”
With the publication of Bill Sienkiewicz: Revolution andthe artist’s induction into the Eisner Hall of Fame at this year’s Comic-Con International San Diego, there’s never been a better time to acknowledge one of the most respected and innovative artists. And if you’re wondering? It’s pronounced sin-KEV-itch.

About the Artist:
Bill Sienkiewicz is an Eisner Award–winning, Emmy Award–nominated artist best known for revolutionizing the style of comic and graphic novel illustration over the past four decades. He is a classically trained painter influenced by modern and Abstract Expressionist artists such as Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, and Amedeo Modigliani. His work incorporates a stunning variety of oils, acrylics, watercolor, mixed media, collage, and more.
Sienkiewicz is best known for his groundbreaking work on Moon Knight, Elektra: Assassin, and his acclaimed graphic novel Stray Toasters, which has earned him an international reputation and cult status across a wide variety of media.
Sienkiewicz’s artwork has been exhibited at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro; galleries in Paris, Barcelona, and Tuscany; Spain’s famed La Semana Negra Festival; and dozens of other locations. He has produced work for advertising campaigns for Nike, MTV, and Nissan; dozens of feature films; the 2006 Winter Olympics; and magazines such as Entertainment Weekly and Spin.
Sienkiewicz has garnered numerous awards, most notably a 2004 Eisner Award for DC Comics’ The Sandman: Endless Nights, with Neil Gaiman; and 1995 and 1996 Emmy Award nominations for production and character design on the PBS children’s TV series Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? His Elektra: Assassin earned the 1987 Kirby Award, 1986 Yellow Kid Award, and 1986 Gran Guigiri Award. Sienkiewicz was inducted into the Eisner Awards Hall of Fame in 2019. He lives and works in Los Angeles.
About Six Foot Press:
Based in Houston, TX, Six Foot Press publishes art books, children’s books, novels, graphic novels, and comic books, in addition to narrative content based on existing Six Foot properties. Six Foot Press is proud to be distributed exclusively to the worldwide book trade by Ingram Publisher Services. Six Foot Press books are available wherever books are sold.