In this week’s Image Comics news recap comes the announcement of a new title from Sean Lewis and Hayden Sherman, a new series to celebrate the 15th anniversary of THE RIDE from Doug Wagner and Daniel Hillyard with a backup content from Adam Hughes, and more.
On Monday, Image announced that writer Sean Lewis and artist Hayden Sherman will be teaming up for a new series.
The technology thriller THUMBS will be a five part series with each issue coming in at 40 pages.
Look for the first issue at your local comic book shop, or online via one of the many digital services on June 5th.

Also announced this week was a new five part series commemorating the 15th anniversary of THE RIDE.
The new series from original writer Doug Wagner along with artist Daniel Hillyard about a former police detective who now works as a bouncer at an exotic dance club will feature backup content (and cover art) by Adam Hughes.
Look for the first issue at your local comic book shop, or online via one of the many digital services on June 12th.
Kieron Gillen andStephanie Hans‘ DIE series as been such a hit with readers that the 1st issue is now on it’s 5th printing, and this week it was announced that issues 2 and 3 of the fantasy series will each get a new printings.
DIE #2’s fourth printing will be released on April 24th, with #3’s 3rd printing also hitting shelves that day.

All press releases are below. All artwork courtesy of Image Comics.
PORTLAND, OR 03/25/2019 — Award winning playwright and comics writer Sean Lewis (Coyotes, Saints, The Few) teams up with award winning artist Hayden Sherman (The Few) for a new technology thriller series in Thumbs. The rapid-paced, science-fiction maxi-series will be five issues—each issue a total of 40 pages—and will launch from Image Comics this June.
Imagine someone like, say, Mark Zuckerberg created his own army of tech-obsessed teens and directed them to take on the government. What would the fall-out be? Thumbs explores a high-stakes world where that—and much worse—can unfold. Charley “Thumbs” Fellows is a member of just such an army. Poor and raised by the influential MOM™ app, he finds himself in the center of a war.
“I was watching a kid play with his phone and how anxious he was waiting for a message back from a friend and it made me think about how anxious all the people I know are,” said Lewis. “I started thinking about the internet and our obsession and reliance on it and the realities of who controls the flow and embedding of information. Was our anxiety planted? Has tech become such an obsession for us that we’d go to war to keep it? Just watching that kid and all the emotions that three dots on a screen were creating made me wonder—do we actually control the tech, even at its smallest levels?”
Best described as The Social Network meets Black Mirror, Thumbs is a must-read book from the team behind the hit series The Few and is perfect for readers of Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein, and Ted Brandt’s Crowded.
Sherman added: “Thumbs is as much a story about technology as it is about loss, time, and learning your place in the world. With the great range of themes and locales that play into these five issues, I’ve taken the chance to expand and really push myself with how a story can be told. The hope is for it to be between storybook and comic book, where it could be either at any given moment.”
Thumbs #1 (Diamond Code APR190011) will be available on Wednesday, June 5. The final order cutoff deadline for comics retailers is Monday, May 13.
Thumbs #1 will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including the official Image Comics iOS app, Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.
PORTLAND, OR 03/26/2019 — Image Comics is pleased to announce that The Ridewill celebrate its 15th anniversary with an all-new, five-part story from the award-winning team of Plastic—Doug Wagner and Daniel Hillyard. This action-packed miniseries will launch from Image Comics in June and will feature special backup content from Adam Hughes.
“Fifteen years? Really? Well then, I guess I’d better turn up the heat on this one,” said Wagner. “Let’s see. How about…Unicorn onesies, love paddles, leather bunny ears, a guy in a Sailor Moon outfit that’s way too tight, an angel with only one arm and a heroin problem, a hairless dwarf, and a disavowed detective whose past desperately wants her burned alive—are all going to take a road trip in a classic ’68 Camaro that may or may not be cursed. The Ride 15th anniversary is going to be a wild, disturbing, and excessively violent tale of redemption. Welcome to what I like to call FETISH NOIR!”
After serving a hard 15 years in prison on a murder plea, former Atlanta P.D. detective Samantha Vega now makes her living as a bouncer at an exotic dance club. But life on the outside isn’t easy, especially when enemies have scores to settle…
The Ride #1 Cover A by Hughes (Diamond Code APR190014) and The Ride #1 Cover B by Hillyard (Diamond Code APR190015) will be available on Wednesday, June 12. The final order cutoff deadline for comics retailers is Monday, May 20.
The Ride #1 will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including the official Image Comics iOS app, Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.
PORTLAND, OR 03/28/2019 — Image Comics is pleased to announce that New York Times bestselling creator Kieron Gillen (The Wicked + The Divine) and artist Stephanie Hans’ Die #2 and Die #3 are both being rushed back to print in order to keep up with growing demand for the series.
Die is a pitch-black fantasy where a group of adults have to deal with the returning unearthly horror they barely survived as teenage role-players. The series is perhaps best described as “Goth Jumanji”—but that only captures a sliver of what you’ll find in this series where fantasy gets all too real.
Die #2, fourth printing (Diamond Code FEB198467) will be available on Wednesday, April 24. The final order cutoff deadline for comic shop retailers is Monday, April 1.
Die #3, third printing (Diamond Code FEB198468) will be available on Wednesday, April 24. The final order cutoff deadline for comic shop retailers is Monday, April 1.
Die is also available for purchase across many digital platforms, including the official Image Comics iOS app, Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.
Select praise for Die:
“A deliciously dark Phantom Tollbooth-like journey told through a lens of broken humanity and a deconstruction of the role-playing game’s roots. I am entranced.” —Matthew Mercer, Critical Role
“Really couldn’t have enjoyed Die #1 more than I did. Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans are a powerful merging of talents. Feels like a well-oiled team that’s been working together for years. Image Comics continues to innovate.” —Rick Remender, Deadly Class, Low, Black Science, Seven to Eternity
“Utterly beautiful.” —The Hollywood Reporter
“So I read Die today and it’s something special: clever, chilling, beautiful, and surprising. IT’S REAL GOOD AND I THINK YOU SHOULD GET IT.” —Ryan North, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Dinosaur Comics, How To Invent Everything: A Survival Guide For The Stranded Time Traveler
“Emotional evisceration awaits. I cannot recommend this highly enough” —Marguerite Bennett, Animosity, Bombshells
“Seriously, pre-order your copy; it’s so good!” —Women Write About Comics
“I’ve had the pleasure of reading Die from Gillen, Hans & Cowles and it’s everything I love about comics. It’s such a great concept for a series.” —Gerry Duggan, Deadpool, Analog
“Do you wish that IT had fewer clowns luring in sewers with balloons and more RPG sessions that cause kids to disappear for several years? Then Die by Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans is the comic for you! Also, I got to test-play the RPG the book is built around and it’s SO FUN.” —Jody Houser, Stranger Things, Faith, Doctor Who
“Die is a compelling drama, filled with secrets and lies. It has the reliable wit and grace one expects from Gillen along with rich and stunning artwork by Hans, who is without a doubt delivering her best work to date. Gorgeously rendered, perfectly constructed, Die is a fantastic new series that pulls the reader into a new world, in more ways than one.” —Declan Shalvey, Moon Knight, Injection, Return Of Wolverine
“Soooooo Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans’ Die is something ABSURDLY special. Really an incredible book.” —Mags Visaggio, Eternity Girl, Kim & Kim, Sex Death Revolution