INVINCIBLE continues to impress me with how closely it stays with the comic source material. Like a comic issue, each issue tells a self contained story while fitting into a wider arc. As a reader of the comic, I’ve enjoyed seeing the comic pages spring to life. Even though I have a general sense of what is going to happen based on my memory of the books (I read them years ago), I’ve found the series immensely entertaining. Non-readers will likely appreciate the show because it spoons out the mythology of the show at just the right pace for people to grow with the series.
INVINCIBLE consistently introduces a new character, then has them dance around the periphery of the story (or disappear for a while) until they are needed again. This is a great approach to organically building a rich universe. As the last episode proved, bad guys make a brief appearance, then take on bigger roles later, which makes them feel less like the ‘disposable bad guy of the week.’ This episode features another classic storyline from the comic, and I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of the villain down the road.
INVINCIBLE is also great at playing the long game. We’re still working through the fallout of Omni-Man’s attack from the pilot, we are still trying to figure out what Robot is up to, and there’s that hanging plot thread from Mark’s trip to Mars hanging out there. If there is one ongoing plot I’m not invested in, it’s Mark’s struggle to stay with his girlfriend. She’s a top notch likeable character with an endearing quirky personality. I’m just getting tired of the ‘he screws up things with his girlfriend because he has to save the world and then she forgives him’ bit that has featured in pretty much every episode. I know the writers are doing this on purpose, but I also feel there’s a future with Atom Eve that is dying to be explored.

This episode was on the higher end of the INVINCIBLE blood and cursing scales, but it might also have some of the funniest moments of the series yet. The fraternity guy from early in the episode is a foul mouthed send up of rich entitlement who spouts hilarious lines. Mark’s buddy, who has thus far only had a few lines, moves to the forefront this episode. He provides an additional source of comedy for the episode, as well as serving as its emotional center. This episode takes him from a one dimensional background figure and turns him into a fleshed out character that I can see playing a bigger role in the future.

INVINCIBLE is one of those shows that you have to watch from the beginning, because each episode helps build the universe, leaves threads that will be picked up down the road, and moves the ongoing arcs forward. Luckily, it’s a streaming series, so you can start with episode 1 and catch up in no time.
The sixth episode of INVINCIBLE premiered on April 16th on Amazon Prime Video. Check back soon for my thoughts on episode 7 of the series.
Are you watching the series? What do you think so far? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter!
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