- Writer: Joe Hill
- Artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
- Colorist: Jay Fotos
- Letterer: Shawn Lee
- Editor (IDW): Chris Ryall
- Assistant Editor (IDW): Megan Brown
- Editor (DC): Chris Conroy
- Associate Editor (DC): Maggie Howell
Thanks to IDW Publishing for the review copy!

LOCKE & KEY SANDMAN HELL & GONE #1 by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez, Jay Fotos, and Shawn Lee brilliantly merges the two acclaimed comic worlds of IDW’s LOCKE AND KEY by Hill and Rodriguez, and DC Comics’ THE SANDMAN, created by the powerhouse team of Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth, and Mike Dringenberg, in a rousing, seamless crossover.
The story begins at the notorious LOCKE & KEY wellhouse, positioned behind the generationally afflicted Locke residence located on Lovecraft Island, Massachusetts. Chamberlain Locke, one of the few surviving members of the Locke family following the aftermath of The World War, is the first character introduced in the story as he unlocks the door to the wellhouse. Severely weakened by cancer, Chamberlain employs the Echo Key to summon his dead son, Jonathan “Jack” Tyler Locke, from the burning depths of Hell. Jack, who has been consequentially trapped since committing suicide in an attempt to drown both his inner demons and Keyhouse (he had used the Anywhere Key to opened the door to HMS Titanic), is desperate to be freed.
Enter Mary Locke – Jacks’ beautiful, resourceful sister who is determined to rescue her brother and restore even a sliver of peace to her family. Her first lead is via the “most wicked man in England” Roderick Burgess. Burgess, notoriously rumoured to have “something…eternal and dangerous” hidden away in his mansions’ basement, is willing to help Mary – for a price. n exchange for the Matchstick Key, Burgess agrees to introduce Mary to the Sandman…
Writer Joe Hill has delivered an exceptional first issue to a series I believe will weave fans in from both stories. The adventurous narrative provides the perfect amount of suspense to keep the pages turning and easily solicits the reader to invest in future issues. Combined with the beautiful, intricate art of Rodriguez, LOCKE & KEY SANDMAN HELL & GONE #1 is a dream from which I would rather not awake.
LOCKE & KEY SANDMAN HELL & GONE #1 is set for release on April 14th.
As with many new releases the first issue has quite a few variant covers, including these 2 from the shop I co-own from Megan Hutchinson-Cates. You can order it here.
The color version will have a print run of 1000 copies and will cost $19.99 while the black and white version will be limited to 500 copies and set you back $29.99. If you want to get both though, they have a combo package that will set you back $39.99. If you use coupon code ConventionCollective you’ll get 15% off your entire purchase.
[…] my full review here: https://theconventioncollective.com/sandbox/locke-key-sandman-hell-gone-1-review-a-comic-dream-come-t… and be sure to pick up our exclusive covers featuring art by Megan […]