Well here we are, the final episode to season one of Moon Knight (which I believe is a limited series). I didn’t think they could do it but they did, everything (mostly) was wrapped up and we got some amazing fighting scenes too!
With Marc and Steven dead (or chilling in the field?), it’s up to Layla to free Khonshu and hopefully get Marc back, which she does with a flourish. Then all bets were off in the gods smack down to see who would save humanity.
Wow, what an episode. With so much left that needed to be done, I really didn’t think they would be able to wrap everything up without leaving us on a pretty big cliffhanger. Though there were some things that were not concluded, and of course left us wanting more. It was a good ending that is definitely leading to more down the road.
Okay, I would be remiss if I did not talk about Layla stealing the show this whole episode, she is our first look at an Egyptian female superhero (finally!). I know she only makes a temporary pact but I think it will be one that will last quite a while because she was absolutely amazing and her outfit is one of the best I have seen for a female superhero (she’s got wings!). Her skills are also pretty cool, plus I think she made a pretty good deal with one of the very few nice gods.

It was also really sweet to see Marc open up to Steven and talk about how he was his friend and helped him not to be alone. Which ends up saving both of them in the end, and leading to a pretty nice partnership when fighting, both showing off their own skills. Both Steven and Marc were made aware of another personality within them, neither knew why they blacked out and were surrounded by a blood bath once again. Though they are both unsure of who else is with them, and us not yet being introduced fully to this third person. We have seen a glimpse of him when Steven/Marc were in the mental hospital in their mind talking with the fake doctor, which we could only tell by a slight tone and accent change.

The CGI and other effects used in this episode were pretty good, making Ammit’s reveal very cool to see. So was the knock down drag out fight between Ammit and Khonshu, although it’s a bit sad to see that Khonshu was that weak (it really showed him losing badly, when he’s supposed to be this great fighter).
Like all Marvel shows and movies, nothing beats the after credit scenes. In this one we know we will be seeing all these characters again soon, plus a new one, Jake. The third personality and I think the favorite of Khonshu, who just does what he is told and gets the job done. Though I would like to point out that Khonshu must like Steven too, because he steals his suit outfit idea (I started laughing as soon as I saw it).
Now that Moon Knight is officially finished, it’s time to tune back into Disney+ and binge watch all six episodes again (or for the first time if you haven’t yet). Just in case you missed anything that could hint at upcoming Moon Knight teases that we might get to see in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Are you going watch the series? Have you already been? Feel free to leave a comment below or chat with us on Twitter at @TheConCollectve!
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