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NOMEN OMEN #2 review (Bucci, Camagni, Amelia) Image Comics – Who’s the beefcake?

Writer – Marco B. Bucci, Interior Artist and Colorist – Jacopo Camagni, Letterer – Fabio Amelia (Arancia Studio), translation from Italian by Arancia Studio.

Thanks to Image Comics for providing a copy for review. 

Hey guys! I know it’s been awhile, but I’m back now and boy do I have some comic reviews for you all!

I’m just going to jump straight into Nomen Omen #2, which has a very pretty cover to it and some new guy that is HUGE (or as the youngsters call it, thick) and has fire magic. We go back to Rebecca on the floor of the diner bathroom on her birthday, which sucks because she just had her heart torn out of her (there’s a big hole in her chest). It’s also interesting because the comic is currently in black and white for the first part of the comic. Her friends haven’t even noticed that she’s been gone a while, but back to her laying in her own blood with a gaping hole in her chest.. The guy who ripped her heart out is still with her and has some very freaky small naked people with bird skulls as heads. I have no clue what these are supposed to be or what their purpose is, but I do have to say I am intrigued as to know their backstory.  There are also some funky mushrooms in the bathroom and one of the small naked bird skulls touches one and is now healthy. He is still small, naked and has a bird head- just healthier looking and the skull now has feathers and is alive. This little healthy guy then climbs into the sink and walks into the mirror, at this point i’m just rolling with it-it’s not the weirdest thing I’ve read or seen.

Next panel we see Rebecca in color standing in a white tank top and white panties among colorful flowers and woods. She’s taking stock of her hair (colorful blonde, purple, red and green), and she’s looking at her wrist and then touching the scar on her chest above her heart. She then looks at a motorcycle laying broken against a big boulder, I think this could have been the wreck she was in with her friend (who died from it, and Rebecca was close to dying from it to). I think this is also the accident that marked her for death and the reason the strange guy found her and ripped out her heart. On the ground by the bike are letters from a scrabble board game spelling out, “ET IN ARCADIA EGO” . The comic goes back to the present, where Rebecca is just walking into the bathroom (you know, right before her heart was torn out her chest). We are also in black and white again, and Rebecca is not sure if what just happened was real or whatever it could have been. She then goes back to join her friends, then split up as the two guys from the group need to grab some stuff before meeting back up with the girls at a club.

We are now following the two guys as they are making their way to meet the girls and they are talking about Rebecca and how she’s been since the accident. Hinting that whoever was with her, the one who died, had a relationship with Rebecca (which is not clear, they were in love but just friends and not dating) and then the guys go on to talk about their own relationships currently. All of a sudden there’s a big battle happening in the street they are walking by, cars are blowing up and such (you would think The Avengers were in town with that kind of destruction going on). What’s two millennial guys to do? They record it on their phone and don’t run away or call for help. You know, like normal people would do. 

Now to the fighting happening, we see the big guy from the cover of this issue of Nomen Omen. I have no other way of saying this, but he is just powerhousing his way through cars and anything else in his way. All the while being chased by four teens who all have glowing necklaces on and these kids are calling him, “Central Park Guardian” (and a traitor now). This big guy is my new favorite comic book character (don’t tell Sera and the Royal Stars), because this guy replies to the kids with “Traitor?! Of course I AM! Do you idiots even know my story?”. We come to find out that the big beefcake’s name is Fer Doirich, and I guess he is super old as are the kids chasing after him (looks I guess can be completely deceiving). Wow, I really am like this guy- he can take a hit and replies “Piece if advice though… You should’ve hit me harder”. Just insert so fangirl screaming here please. Anyway, the two friends of Rebecca, you know the idiots recording this on their phone just walk away and meet back up with the girls telling them about what they saw (and that they are putting the video on YouTube). By the way they met up with the girls at a bar, and now Rebecca has ducked out to get some air where she thinks on how she doesn’t feel like nothing that happens to her since the crash feels real or is real.

Just her luck that one of the teens chasing the big beefcake from the fight is now coming at her in the alley, talking about her being Heartless, like “Some serious zombie shit”. While this is happening the big beefcake (as I’ve now named him) is still fighting the other three kids, and he is seriously kicking their asses- and giving them the slip. Now back to Rebecca dealing with one of the teens, as he is coming closer to her- she sees that he rips off his necklace and turns into a huge gross monster with chains and is intending to attack Rebecca. Beefcake to the rescue! The teen/monster is ripped in half from behind from our beefcake hero, who then tries to calm Rebecca down by telling her they need to go – but the rest of the teens from the fight show up and are now in mid attack on the two. At this point, I have no clue what’s happening or what might happen and I am completely okay with it because this series so far- I’ve just had no clue and am always surprised. In a good way.

Nomen Omen #2 is now available.

Want to talk to me about this title? Feel free to chat with me on Twitter or Instagram or leave me a comment here!

If you missed my review of the first issue of Nomen Omen check it out here.

Ali Raphael
Ali Raphael
Ali is a professional workaholic but likes to add more to her plate by reviewing comics/books/ tv shows/movies and anime. In every other waking moment, she breathes books, manga and anything Marvel. Every day she wishes she was a Part-Time Avenger, instead of a full-time Target employee.

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