Last episode Asta found out Harry is an alien. While I expected this episode to delve into the fallout of that revelation, it turns out she seems to be taking the news quite well. Also last episode, Harry got his leg chopped off. While I wondered how the show would handle that, it turns out he seems to be taking that quite well. With things seemingly taking a surprising turn for the better, Asta and Harry go on a road trip that gives them an opportunity to come into contact with The Ancient Aliens guy (Giorgio A. Tsoukalos) and John Locke himself, Terry O’Quinn.
Photo by: James Dittiger/SYFY Photo by: James Dittiger/SYFY
RESIDENT ALIEN has consistently been about more than just the resident alien in town. Most importantly, we finally get some closure on the season long mystery of who killed the town doctor, which set the whole series in motion by requiring Harry to stand in for him. With this storyline (probably) closed, the rest of the plot threads were moved forward incrementally.
The acting in this show is again a strong point. While Alan Tudyk continues to show he is perfect for the role of Harry, I think I’m starting to take his excellence for granted. Max and Sahar continue to impress me. Often child actors get on my nerves, but I love the work Judah Prehn and Gracelyn Awad Rinke are putting in on this show.
This episode wasn’t perfect. The mayor and his wife’s marital issues plot seems a bit forced. It made more sense when the couple faced the strain of Max maybe having to get sent away, but it just doesn’t feel right now. Their couples dinner party seemed a bit forced for the purpose of making the plot go where the writers needed it to go. I know it’s a small point, but I really don’t think there was time to even get it set up. Similarly, D’Arcy makes some choices at the end of the episode that seem out of character for her (and anyone really). Again, it seems like the writers just decided to “Have D’Arcy do X so we can have Y happen.”
This episode answered one major question that has framed the series but it held a lot back. It will be interesting to see what the show answers by the finale and what is saved for next season. Thankfully, SYFY has announced Resident Alien will get another season, so either way we are not at risk of a ‘cancelled show cliffhanger.’
As a final thought, now that the episode has aired, I can share my theory about the female half of the military alien hunting duo. When Harry was in the crevasse with Asta, he made a reference to lizard people aliens. I think she is one of those lizard aliens. The line was delivered for laughs, but I think it would be cool if it was a sly hint to a future reveal. It certainly would explain the aggressiveness of the character.
The ninth episode of RESIDENT ALIEN premieres today. Check back next week for my thoughts on the next episode of the series.
Are you a fan of Alan Tudyk? Have you been watching this show? Feel free to chat with me on Twitter or leave a comment below!