LeeAnn D: So there you are in your local comic book shop wondering what’s good this week… it can be a little confusing and scary, I’ll admit. I’ve been reading comics since the early ’80s and even I get a little overwhelmed when I walk in my LCS and take a look at that big wall filled with comics.
One of the best parts of being a comic book fan in this age is the fantastic selection of amazing comics that are out in the market nowadays. It’s not all Supes in capes, they are still around, but there is so many amazing comics being made that you are bound to find something you love. It is an amazing time to be a fan of comics because there is a book out there for you.
I understand that I can not cover every book out there but here are some of my favorites that will be in your LCS on Wednesday Oct 10th. Let me know what you are reading and what are your favorite comics out there, in the comments below.
CROWDED #3 (Image Comics)
Written by Christopher Sabela, Pencils by Ro Stein, Ink by Ted Brandt, Colors by Triona Farrel

First, let me say, if you have not started reading this series already, go right now and download the first two issues of CROWDED on comiXology right now. The art and the story are just completely brilliant and is such a fantastic take on our modern society.
Reapr is an app where bounties are placed on people and Charlie has one of the biggest Reapr bounties at $1.47 million. Charlie has hired Vita to protect her and keep her alive, and Vita has her work cut of for her. Now several high level Reapr assassins are on their trail and will they figure out how they are being tracked before it’s too late?
Writer Ryan Cady, Art by Andrea Mutti, Colors by K. Michael Russell

We meet Security Director Deva Harrell who is dealing with the loss of humankind after they were unable to reach the safety of The Orpheus in time before the galaxy is consumed by Entropic Decay. As one of the 2000 survivors she is consumed by survivors guilt.
I don’t want to give to much away but this is starting out as a great Sci-Fi horror. Highly recommend picking up a copy.
CAPTAIN AMERICA #4 (Marvel Comics)
(W) Ta-Nehisi Coates (A) Leinil Frances Yu
So far this series has gotten off to a great start and now is the perfect time to grab the past issues and jump in with this series.
VENOM #7 (Marvel Comics)
(W) Donny Cates (A) Iban Coello
It’s Venom, written by Donny Cates, what do I need to say? This is such a great series, you owe it to yourself to go out and get a copy.
(W) Ryan North (A) Derek Charm
This the start of a new arc called the “Death Of Squirrel Girl” and is a great jumping on point for anybody who hasn’t already started reading THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL. Like you need an excuse.
MS. MARVEL #35 (Marvel Comics)
(W) G. Willow Wilson (A) Nico Leon
Ms Marvel’s powers are not working right perhaps Bruno can figure it out before it ends up being the end of Jersey City. Love, love, love this series and it’s always one of my favorites and it’s always on my pull list every month.
DOMINO #7 (Marvel Comics)
(W) Gail Simone (A) David Baldeon
If you are not reading this series what are you doing with your life? Seriously go out and get this one right now.
EXILES #9 (Marvel Comics)
(W) Saladin Ahmed (A) Javier Rodriguez
The start of a new arc with Saladin Ahmed bringing us One Thousand and One Nights in a Marvel Comic!
This is just a small chunk of what is out in your Local Comic Book shop this week now go out and read some great comics. Let me know what is on your reading list this week in the comments below. And you can find me on Twitter at @lilredrubi74
Reviews: LeeAnn D
Cover art for CROWDED and INFINITE DARK, courtesy of Image Comics.