Writer: Jon Tseui Artist: Audrey Mok Colorist: Raul Angulo Letterer: Jim Campbell
Thanks to Vault Comics for providing a copy for review!
Quickly picking up right after where we left Sera and the Royal Stars in issue 2, we come back to Bull, Sera, and the Scorpion Star approaching the boat waiting for them. They ask The Lady of The Water for safe passage across her waters and her granting it, along with well wishes that they are able to complete the journey they have set out on.
As they are getting into the boat they see they are being stormed from above by giant dragons, and dragon type people again. Scorpion and her spear, “Heaven’s Sting”, go on the offense with Sera shooting arrows from below. They do lose their boat to it being destroyed, as one would be from a giant dragon attack. They make it to shore and run into a cave, to which Old Bull keeps saying they shouldn’t go into because it is not what it appears. They go in anyway and find themselves falling, becoming separated as the dreams and spirits of the dead grab Sera.
Outside of the cave, we finally see some type of name given to the two purple and gold cloaked villains, they are referred to by the dragon minions as “Draconis”. The two of them sit down outside of the cave and begin to work some magic to stop Sera and possibly kill her.
We then see Sera being taken deep into the bottom of the cave and see a spirit taking on the forms of her mother, sister and father. All of whom are saying the worst things about everything being Sera’s fault, as Sera slowly crumbles to the ground. The brother that Sera thinks is dead, Jahar, appears and gets rid of the images cast by the spirits and leads Sera away.
He gets Sera to a wall that she will need to break through to get out of this realm of spirits and dreams of the dead, but to do this Sera must face one last spirit image. The spirit image takes on the appearance of Jahar when he was little and Sera must strike it down, even though Jahar has always been the sibling that she was closest to. Through the hole in the wall Sera has created from beating the spirit image, she finds Old Bull, Scorpion and a new royal star waiting for her on the other side. The hole that she created in the wall leads to a dark and looming forest, which still happens to be within the underworld.
I find myself feeling enthralled by the story of Sera and The Royal Stars, I can’t wait to read more of their journey and find out the answers to my many questions.
Sera and the Royal Stars #3 is now available.
If you missed my reviews of the the first or second issue of the series, you can find them here and here.
Have you read the book? What are your thoughts? Want to talk to me about this title? Feel free to chat with me on Twitter or Instagram, or leave a comment below!