Writers: Anthony Oliveira, JY Yang, Steve Foxe, Nicole Andelfinger, Sarah Gailey
Illurstrators: Ver, Doki Rosi, Xiao Tong Kong, Mollie Rose, Maurizia Rubino
Coloritsts: Christina Rose Chua, Jamie Loughran
Letterers: Mike Fiorentino, DC Hopkins

Thanks to BOOM! Studios for providing a copy of Steven Universe Fusion Frenzy for review!
Synopsis: It’s time for the fusions to shine in this 40-page special! The fan favorite Steven Universe™ fusions get the spotlight as Stevonnie, Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Opal, and Sugilite take Beach City on in five fantastic tales!
I never really know what to expect when reading a graphic novel adaptation of a favorite animated show. Steven Universe takes up so much space in my brain and my heart. I was a bit worried about reading a book without Rebecca Sugar at the helm of any of the stories. My worries were largely unfounded however! Fusion Frenzy does an amazing job of incorporating the themes and complexities of fusion from the TV show. Even though each story only gets about 10 pages, each one presents its own distinct message.
Throughout Fusion Frenzy, the gems demonstrate how they are stronger together, how to learn together, the importance of being respected as an individual, and how to address communication issues between friends. If you are thinking those ideas sound pretty heady for a kids TV show then you don’t know this kids TV show!
One story in particular is called The Art of Friendship. In it, Steven and Amethyst fuse to become Smoky Quartz (one of my personal favorite characters). An old friend of Amethyst’s has a hard time understanding that Smoky Quartz is not just Amethyst in a different outfit. The story addresses how to talk to friends about big changes in your life, and why that can be complicated. I loved it as a metaphor for growing up, or even for sharing a change in gender identity. Steven Universe has always gone after these big topics, and the graphic novel is no exception.
Several different artists contribute to the book, and I really loved each art style represented. For anyone who loves cotton-candy Garnet, there are some truly beautiful panels of her early stages as a fusion.
Fusion is one of the most interesting ideas in the world of Steven Universe, and I love that it got an entire collection of stories devoted to it. Any fan who loves the depth of emotion and meaning inherent in fusion discussions will find something to love in Steven Universe Fusion Frenzy. It is on sale now!