Writer: Christopher Cantwell, Interior and Cover Artist: Patric Reynolds, Letterer: Nate Piekos, Colorist: Lee Loughridge
Thanks to Dark Horse for providing a copy for review.
I was not at all prepared for this comic to actually be related to the movie The Mask, I thought that might be hoping for too much. Now, even though The Mask is what we are thinking of, it is not at all funny or fun loving with pinstripe suits and Tommy Guns.
No, the cover pretty much says it all. Creepy. With only one slight funny moment of “Make America Green Again”. Other then that, the comic is full of harsh art work, rated R commentary and gore. Within the first few pages, we get child abusers being viciously murdered (not saying that they got what was coming to them) and politics in full force in town . After such killings by a Green Mask, we see the current mayor of the town working hard to run for president and using the current police force as her Stormtroopers, as she puts it.
Other than the creepy storyline and artwork, I can’t help but want to know how common these Green Mask killings are. The current mayor is being baited by a possible backer about some of the killings years ago, and how it was said to have been a woman at the time who took down most of the bad guys in the city. Trying to provoke her with hinting at what might have been her past and to see if she has the mask now. To say the least that she is mad about this and the suggested blowjob she should give him is an understatement.
In the end we have someone who was The Mask, someone looking for The Mask, another who is finished being The Mask (and threw it off a bridge), and finally a person who wants to run for President with no real backing and stumbles across The Mask. I think the only thing that I can say about The Mask, now after reading it is well, intense.
There is one scene in particular that I haven’t talked about yet and really can’t get out of my mind. You remember that donor/backer for the current mayor, the one looking for the mask? Well he and his men hire a Canadian to go after the mayor, a seemingly nice fellow who happens to be crazy. How do I know this? Well, the guy literally cuts off his ear like its nothing and eats it. HE EATS HIS EAR.
The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask #1 is now available.
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