“…I don’t know, I’m just making this up as I go.”
Raiders Of The Lost Ark, 1982
After last weeks very busy episode – in which we broke down MCM London Comic Con and looked forward to the upcoming SDCC Open Online Badge Registration – we are taking a little bit of a scale back as we decompress after yesterday’s exciting pressure cooker!
How did you do? Time to come on the Hangout to tell your tales of experiencing the badge sale? Was it productive, was it fruitless? What methods did you employ to land your badges, and were you successful? There have been stories of hiccups and technicla glithces and this show will be where we can share those and talk about how you can best progress.
We’ll also start looking at what to expect if you were taking part in yesterday’s badge sale as a complete First Timer – let’s welcome you to the San Diego Comic-Con family by giving you an overview of what to expect with the current iteration of the con, talking layout, what to see and do, what the benefits and drawbacks of Preview Night may be and so on. Nothing too extravagant (such as hotels or off-sites or line management)… let’s save those topics for future episodes to come.
We’ll also be taking the time to honour the memory of John Rogers, longstanding President of Comic-Con International who passed away on Saturday. John was the architect of the modern age of SDCC and we’ll be doing our best to celebrate his achievements and remember his legacy…
We’re live at 6pm GMT – here’s hoping you can join us live!
TALKIN’ CON: A CUP O’ TEA WITH AN ENGLISHMAN IN SAN DIEGO is the weekly con culture live podcast, broadcasting every Sunday (6pm GMT / 10am PT / 1pm ET) and hosted by Leonard Sultana.
Each week, the best bloggers on t’web talk about con culture and, for an hour or so, we invite guests to talk to us and get nerdy and geeky about everything that orbit the best comics and pop culture conventions on the planet!
TALKIN’ CON: A CUP O’ TEA… is broadcasted live on YouTube, with a simultaneous audio stream to internet radio service Mixlr (www.mixlr.com/EnglishmanSDCC) – the show is then shared to Instagram TV, SoundCloud and iTunes Podcasts, as well as our Patreon page (www.patreon.com/EnglishmanSDCC). Please Like, Subscribe, Share and Comment to support our efforts!
Our Guests, this week:
- …more amazing guests, to be announced!
Talkin’ Con is YOUR show – if you have anything you’d like to have discussed in these shows, or a guest that you would like us to feature, leave a comment below or drop us a line at tips@anenglishmaninsandiego.com – we’d love to hear what you’d like to talk about. And don’t forget to join in the conversation LIVE during the show, using the Q&A button in the video preview above or on Twitter (#CupOTeaAEISD)
See you all, this and every Sunday, at 6pm GMT… LIVE!