Another great episode of Ms. Marvel this week, as we see Kamala (and family) as they travel back home to Karachi where they find some new friends. Please standby as we are once again introduced to another hot guy, Kamala is on her game with the score now being three for three.
This week on Ms. Marvel, Kamala and her mother go to visit her grandmother in Karachi. Learning more about what she is and some family secrets, Kamala starts to get her bearings on her powers and path. Along with finding the Red Daggers, and finding out the ClanDestines true purpose in going back home.
We still have no clue as to why the ClanDestines were exiled, and where Kamala’s great grandmother has disappeared to (I definitely think she is still alive or was killed by the other ClanDestines). But, we do know more about the dimension they come from, along with the mention of multiple other dimensions (but the one the ClanDestines are from overlaps our own).
A new (soon to be?) fan favorite character was introduced this episode, Kareem, or better known as the Red Dagger. He is also one of my new favorites from this show, they are all precious but I love him so much. Anyway, Kareem is part of an order to track down the bangle and the exiled ClanDestines and stop them from invoking their plan to tear down the veil between worlds. It’s also exciting to see how his character might differ with the Marvel franchise expanding moving forward, and seeing him plan a bigger part in the upcoming series (maybe a spin off and becoming part of the Young Avengers). I’m also loving the hints at him being a potential love interest for Kamala later on in her future of being Ms. Marvel (cause there is no time for love in this season, while trying to save the world and work on her skills with her powers). Kareem/Red Dagger, is a great hero to see on screen, not having any powers and working very hard to protect his people is very endearing and hopeful.

I would like to point out how lacking the prison was to contain the ClanDestines, like what happened to the middle of the ocean underwater supermax prison that held even Wanda? I know Steve Rogers broke into it to save his friends, but you think they would still be using it for stuff like this (enhanced humans or non humans). Anyway, we have a very quick, lackluster prison break (followed by abandonment sadly). Though the fight scene that follows in Karachi is very good and fun to watch (I was yelling encouragement the whole time), at least Kamala gets her redemption at driving!
Lastly, we are finally getting back to the mystery of Kamala’s great grandmother, Ayesha, and getting down to why Kamala and her grandmother keep seeing the last train to Karachi. But, with only two episodes left. I wonder if there is enough time to conclude this all and dig our teeth more into the characters and bigger plot at hand.
The first four episodes of Ms. Marvel are currently streaming on Disney+, so you can catch up now (and see the many hot guys that Kamala is able to charm), and of course watch as a new superhero is made! Now with only two episodes left of the season (and series?), watch as Kamala fights her first foe to save the world while also learning how to drive!
Are you going watch the series? Have you already been? Feel free to leave a comment below or chat with us on Twitter at @TheConCollectve!
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