SDCC 2019: first of FIFTY WRAPS has been unveiled for San Diego trolleys during Comic-Con – SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!


You read that right – fifty separate wraps have been designed to cover the many shuttles that will weave their way around the city of San Diego throughout June, July and the period surrounding Comic-Con, kicking off on Thursday 18th to Sunday 21st July, promoting shows, films, streaming services and more.

We’ve been reached out by a team member of the SDMTS to let us know about a new promo video featuring the first of these wraps which has, as its subject… the one and only SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! That’s right, the Nickelodeon cartoon will be the first show represented on the tracks of the city – if anything showcases the fun, excitement, brightness and exhilaration that fans will be experiencing on their coast side misadventures, its Spongebob! Thanks to Gary Dexter for the share…


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