It has always been years in between seasons of AOT, but that doesn’t mean that makes anyone any less ready for more. Since hearing this one was coming and would finally, hopefully, give us some much needed answers. I decided I would give the manga another go, so that I would be able to piece together more answers that I have been dying to know for years. I think if I could, I would take back that decision,*enter nervous laughter here*. For those of you who don’t know, Attack on Titan is about a society of people who live behind three giant walls that surround them, unable to explore outside of these walls because of giant humanoid beings that devour humans on site. This of course pushes humanity to the brink of extinction and their only way to fight back is with their scouting groups who fight the titans, but ultimately lose their lives. As you can probably tell from my brief summary alone, this is not a happy ending type of anime, it’s also a pretty gorgy one.
Starting this season is a bit of a shock and at first you’ll think you’re watching the wrong thing. I know I first thought that I was watching the wrong episode and had accidentally skipped ahead, I didn’t. But it did feel like they were going to pull, “oh the last three seasons were just a dream”. But no, for the first time we were seeing the outside world, how they use titans to their will in their battles against other nations. One of the crazy things to find out is how far advanced they are in their civilizations, and how deep their hatred for Eldian’s and Paradi truly is. The common name that they use when referring to Eren’s island on titans is the Island of Devils, and they refer to the people from that island as devils. Just getting into this first episode there is a lot of hate, which is not uncommon for the series, and some super dark tones going on that you just know is going to be trouble. But hey, at least we are getting some answers as to why there are such a thing as titans, why they are on an island and who can actually become a titan.
Anyway, pretty much there were four reasons as to why I have been with this series so long. 1) I want Levi to live, 2) I really want to see Eren succeed 3) I wanted answers, and finally 4) I wanted to see Armen get eaten. At this point after finishing part one of this season I have only given up on one of these and it is not the one you would expect, it’s number two. Because for some flipping reason Eren has decided to go all crazy pants in this season and make me hate him. I’m pretty much just taking bets on who’s going to screw us over next and the odds are high it will once again be Eren. I mean, good god. I used to love this kid and be so excited to watch him do anything, and now I would push him off a cliff.
Now there are many other parts of Season Four Part One I would love to talk about, Jean for instance is now a badass and pretty hot. Who could have guessed? Mikasa got a haircut, and so did Armen (which looks worse than before), and apparently on top of his okay character, he is now in love with Annie?! You all remember Annie right? Killed a lot of her friends and let’s not forget Levi’s entire squad, sent from Marley to help bring down Paradis and ended up in a hunk of ice for many years (and is still in it). Yeah, such great character development for Armen all right. This is why I want him to get eaten, as he should have been in season one (we came so close then, but at the time he was no near as bad as he is now- heck I even liked him back then). Instead of talking more about crazy pants Eren or how Armen has let us down this season, let’s get to Levi and Mikasa. Mikasa is still amazing as ever and she will also prove why we love and trust her so much over and over again (literally one of the only characters we can depend on fully). Levi is also one of those characters that you love as soon as you meet him, because well he always gets the job done. He always kills who he says he’s going to kill (I’m looking forward to Zeke meeting the end of Levi’s blade one day soon), and he is just an all around badass who will never hesitate.
Attack on Titan Season Four Part One (The Final Season) is setting up for an amazing series conclusion after many years of being one of the most popular anime and manga series. All sixteen episodes of part one can be found on Hulu, and Crunchyroll, along with the previous three seasons. Part two of the fourth and final season is hinted to premiere in the winter anime line in 2022, followed by a movie to conclude the series.
Attack on Titan Season Four Part One (The Final Season) is available to stream on Hulu, and Crunchyroll.
Attack on Titan Season Four Part Two (The Final Season) is set to premiere in 2022.
Are you going watch the season? Have you already? Feel free to leave a comment below or chat with me on Twitter!
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