ECCC 2019: A New Era for BAKUGAN – an overview with The Designers


ReedPOP’s Emerald City Comic Con once again takes over the immense WA State Convention Center in Seattle, attracting tens of thousands of comic book and pop culture fans from across the globe, by showcasing some of the best creative talents there is to offer – our man on the ground, Dan Berry, has been very lucky to be invited along as Press, meaning hes got the chance to speak one-on-one with members of this outstanding creative melting pot.

BAKUGAN is a manga and a property which has had a strong and dedicated fan base for many years, starting with BAKUGAN BATTLE BRAWLERS in 2007. While not being an immediate success, BAKUGAN has since that time grown and developed into an amazing entertainment platform with developers Spin Master and their partners evolving the franchise over the last few years into new ways for fans to experience the story and characters, from animation and manga to toys and gaming.

It’s this last one that caught the attention of Dan, as he was given the chance to talk to the developers at Spin Master at ECCC – in this chat, they explain what drove them to bring BAKUGAN to their platform, how they are appealing to many differing markets and age-groups with their BATTLE PLANET card-playing game, and what else they have planned for the future. Enjoy…

Find out more about BAKUGAN and what Spin Master have in store at: and

Thanks to the team at Spin Master for taking time out of their busy con, and to Dan for bringing the interview to us…


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