ECCC 2019 – In Conversation with Magdalene Visaggio at Emerald City Comic Con


ReedPOP’s Emerald City Comic Con once again takes over the immense WA State Convention Center in Seattle this weekend, attracting tens of thousands of comic book and pop culture fans from across the globe, by showcasing some of the best creative talents there is to offer – our man on the ground, Dan Berry, has been very lucky to be invited along as Press, meaning he’s got the chance to speak one-on-one with members of this outstanding creative melting pot.

One such creative is hugely talented and highly prolific comics writer Magdalene Visaggio, who has a number of books on the go at the moment – these include MORNING IN AMERICA (Oni Press) with Claudia Aquirre and Zakk Saam and CALAMITY KATE (Dark Horse Comics) with Corin Howell and Valentina Pinto.

Both books come at the fantastical from different directions, one book from an ensemble cast and one from a solo voice, both approaches of which are new to Visaggio, as she explains in this interview with Dan, along with talking about how she draws from her own life experience to drive her characters, how Los Angeles and the Eighties have proven to be rich wells from which to mine for her books, and what other books are currently blowing up her pull list… It’s a cracking little chat. Enjoy!



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