ECCC 2019: In Conversation with Michael Moreci (Emerald City Comic Con, March 2019)

As WASTED SPACE gets into a regular series beyond its original limited run, Michael Moreci talks about how the book evolved into what it eventually became, its influences (both fictional and IRL), and what we can expect from the series as it barrels along...


ReedPOP’s Emerald City Comic Con once again takes over the immense WA State Convention Center in Seattle, attracting tens of thousands of comic book and pop culture fans from across the globe, by showcasing some of the best creative talents there is to offer – our man on the ground, Dan Berry, has been very lucky to be invited along as Press, meaning hes got the chance to speak one-on-one with members of this outstanding creative melting pot.

One of our favourite books on the shelves right now is the very-much-in-your-face sci-fi romp WASTED SPACE, published by Vault Comics, written by Michael Moreci, art by Hayden Sherman, colours by Jason Wordie. WASTED SPACE is a book which ticks all of our boxes: strong, deep sci-fi worldbuilding, sharp, acerbic characters and a sense of humour and panache that brings comparison to books like PREACHER and HELLBLAZER.

Michael Moreci, Emerald City Comic Con 2019

As the book gets into a regular series beyond its original limited run, Michael sits down with Dan to talk about how the book evolved into what it eventually became, its influences (both fictional and IRL), and what we can expect from the series as it barrels along. It’s a great chat and we hope you enjoy it.

Thanks to Vault Comics for helping to arrange the interview, to Michael for taking time out of his busy con, and to Dan for bringing the interview to us…



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