- Writer: Jeff McComsey
- Artist: Tommy Lee Edwards
- Letterer: John Workman
Official Synopsis from AWA Studios: For two generations, the rural hill town of Grendel, Kentucky has honored its Faustian bargain with the monster living in its abandoned coal mine: a human sacrifice every season in return for agrarian prosperity the likes of which this rocky region had never before seen (including its greatest cash crop: the dankest weed in the land). When one town elder breaks this pact, Grendel’s only hope is that its prodigal daughter will return home to face down the creature of her nightmares—and bring her all-female biker gang with her.
Thanks to AWA Studios for the review copy!

While the first issue in this series introduced us to the main characters, Denny and Marnie, it only provided teases of the monster at the heart of the story. Like the original Jaws, this is an effective technique, as it forces the readers’ mind to fill in a lot of blanks. This issue gradually adds more detail and finally pays off on the suspense, by showing us Grandel is about.
Before we get there, we learn more about Marnie’s past and what happened to Clyde. Of the siblings, Marnie continues to be the more interesting and fleshed out character. We also spend some time with Daisy, a member of Marnie’s gang who is given much more of a personality. I still don’t understand why she wears a headdress, but it’s the kind of quirky random detail that makes this book stand out.
While the plot direction isn’t always surprising, it is an interesting journey nonetheless. I found the last three pages to be very effective in summing up the issue and providing a great lead in for issue 3.
The cursing alone makes this a series intended for adults, but more so than the first issue, this installment has some blood and gruesome imagery.
GRENDEL, KENTUCKY #2 is now available.
Check back in a few weeks for my thoughts on the third issue (set for release on November 18th) of the four part series.
Have you read the issue? What were your thoughts? Feel free to chat with me on Twitter or leave a comment below!