RESIDENT ALIEN completed its first season with an episode that tied up many of the series’ unresolved plotlines, while providing some mini cliffhangers to look forward to next season. If you are new to the show (in which case, you may want to stop reading and start with the pilot), Harry is an alien trying to fit in amongst the humans…who he is also trying to exterminate. Last episode, D’Arcy found the frozen body of the person he killed (the real Harry), promising further complications in the finale.
One of the best aspects of the show is the willingness it has shown to showcase Harry’s dark side. He straight up killed the real Harry. He’s planning on exterminating humanity. He tried to do some genuinely nasty things to Max. This makes for a much more nuanced character. While he’s slowly developing a sense of humanity, for the most part, the show has avoided the common TV trope of revealing that he’s really just a misunderstood good guy. The beginning of the episode has a big reveal that I think undermines the work that has been invested in Harry as a character, but I’m willing to see where the writers go with it.
Interestingly, the townspeople got significantly more screen time than Alan Tudyk’s Harry this episode. This resulted in fewer comedic scenes where Harry tries to pass as human (the closest thing being a funny running gag with pizza). While this was an unexpected approach, it allowed the writers to bring closure to many of the human storylines. In prior reviews, I’ve questioned the point of some of these subplots, such as the mayor’s marital issues. I owe the writers an apology, as they managed to integrate all of the disparate subplots together in unexpected ways. Pretty much every supporting character gets a chance to shine (except Deputy Cletus, who the Sheriff declined to wake up. Boo!). Even Linda Hamilton makes a cameo.
The finale also finally (partially, as we still don’t really know why) resolves the murder mystery that started the whole series – the town doctor’s murder. The answer was certainly creative, but I think it may have been a bit too cute. Perhaps it will make more sense next season.
RESIDENT ALIEN’S finale struck a nice balance of resolving open questions, connecting separate plotlines, and bringing characters together who had not had a chance to interact. The episode provides avenues for the upcoming second season, without resorting to ending on a frustrating huge cliffhanger that fails to resolve anything. If you’ve enjoyed the show so far, you will like the little payoffs for all the groundwork that has been laid this season.
The tenth episode of RESIDENT ALIEN (the season finale) is now available via Syfy On Demand.
Are you a fan of Alan Tudyk? Have you been watching this show? Feel free to chat with me on Twitter or leave a comment below!