Writers: Stephen Desberg and Dan Panosian
Artist: Dan Panosian
Letterer: Lucas Gattoni
Editor: James B. Emmett
Thanks to Mad Cave Studios for the review copy!

James Bond is the archetype spy – cool, calm, and he’s quite the ladies man. This trade paperback takes those tropes and updates them to make its main character more interesting. John Tiffany is a bounty hunter who jets around the world taking out bad guys. He’s not quite as put together as James Bond and he makes some bad decisions, which ends up causing him some problems. Between the commonly used ‘job gone wrong’ and falling for someone, John ends up on the other end of a bounty.
John Tiffany impressively manages to translate the type of action set pieces you’d see in a film to the page. While Tiffany’s character design is pretty straightforward (good looking guy in a black suit), the art effectively reflects what he’s gone through as the story progresses. The book also uses some dynamic panel sizes and shapes to move the story along. The title also presents an interesting mystery, the main character has only four friends and when things go bad, in addition to staying alive, he has to try to figure out which one of them betrayed him. It’s an interesting layer to an otherwise straightforward hitman/spy story. While John Tiffany is a pretty straightforward character, the book is fleshed out with a cast of colorful side characters that often outshine the story’s lead.
John Tiffany is definitely geared towards adults, with violence, cursing, and nudity throughout. If you like spy/hitman stories with a bit of an edge, odds are you will like this story.
John Tiffany is set for release on July 18th.
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