Starting today, and with the aim of posting every Monday, we’re incredibly proud to launch a new feature to the site – a chance for us to shine a light on some of the best and brightest creative talents out there (and, with a bit of luck, help raise their income with a bit of a signal boost to the selling of their wares): SANDBOX SPOTLIGHT.
ROB RETIANO, Comic Artist
THE CONVENTION COLLECTIVE: Thank you for joining us in the Spotlight, Rob! How did you get into art and why did you want to become an artist?
ROB RETIANO: I wanted to be a comic book artist since I was 5 years old. I remember very specifically in kindergarten getting asked what we wanted to be when we grew up, and while others said doctors, firefighters, bakers, and others, I said I wanted to make comics.
TCC: What artists inspire you?
ROB: In terms of classical artists I love the works of Michelangelo and Van Gogh, pop artists like [Andy] Warhol and [Roy] Lichtenstein. Comic artists is actually such a long list but some of my favorites are Mark Bagley, Jim Lee, Adam Hughes, Phil Noto, Frank Cho, and Dan Mora.
TCC: Tell us your greatest fanboy moment.
ROB: Greatest fanboy moment had to have been meeting Kevin Conroy, the voice of Batman, at GalaxyCon Raleigh after he specifically asked to meet me because of a Batman piece I drew that was gifted to him.

TCC: Who is your favorite comic book character/movie/tv character – any fandom?
ROB: Again this is a long list lol. Some of my favorites are Spider-Man (Tom Holland and Jake Johnson), Buffy, Ron Swanson, and Rick Sanchez to name just a handful.
TCC: What’s your favorite fandom?
ROB: Comics for sure, but movies and cartoons are a close runner up. The superhero genre is at the top, but I also love medieval fantasy and sci-fi as well.
TCC: What characters do you like drawing the most?
ROB: I like drawing characters I either don’t draw too often or never have drawn before. It presents a specific challenge for me that I thoroughly enjoy.
TCC: When you’re drawing, what do you use for background noise? Some artists use music, some use a tv show that they just can listen to. What do you use?
ROB: Either music from my collection or a tv show I’ve seen so many times I can just tune it out. I also like to turn on GameGrumps on YouTube.
TCC: With the lack of conventions a lot of artists are doing commissions and sending them out to people, are you as well? Where can people see an example of your art and your rates?
ROB: I am always open for commissions. You check out examples of my work on my Instagram @robretiano or my art page at Facebook.com/robretianoart
TCC: Thanks, Rob, for your time!
We at The Convention Collective want to showcase the very best in creative talent. Are you a creator who would like to be featured in our weekly Sandbox Spotlight? Leave a comment here, or reach out to us at admin@TheConventionCollective.com