THE CONVENTION COLLECTIVE: How did you get into art/why did you want to become an artist?
TROY LITTLE: When I was little I remember watching my father doodle cartoon characters on the edges of the TV Guide. I thought it was magic, I’d be grinning ear to ear. He tried to put me in hockey, but I had weak ankles and was more interested in Saturday morning cartoons. I would draw a lot and show my dad who never straight up praised my efforts but always said I could improve. It became a challenge – I recall the first drawing I did that he approved without critique (it was INDIANA JONES, copied from a Marvel comic). After that, I had made it.
Someone told me, around grade 11, you had to get a job after graduation and the only thing I was good at was drawing, so I decided to go to art college. I took a 3-year illustration course with the intent on going back for the animation course. I never did go back but ended up working in the animation industry for years. I basically taught myself how to do a variety of work in that field.
TCC: What artists inspire you?
TROY: So many! Growing up I was a Cracked kid, John Severin was my jam. Sergio Aragones‘ GROO THE WANDERER was a big hit with me, and the one comic my dad would read when I was done. [Kevin] Eastman and [Peter] Laird blew my mind and turned me on to black and white comics. Years later, Sam Kieth’s THE MAXX, Dave Sim’s CEREBUS and Jeff Smith’s BONE become big influences.
Beyond just comics, Dave McKean, Ralph Steadman, [Gustav] Klimt, [H.R.] Giger and Drew Struzan are all firmly in my fave camp.
TCC: Tell us your greatest fanboy moment!
TROY: I was doing a signing event at IDW for the release of my FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS adaptation and they asked if it would be okay for Kevin Eastman to sign along next to me. Um, YES! As anyone who’s met him knows, he’s a super humble and awesome dude. A few years later, he calls me up and asks if I’d be game to work on a comic with him called RADICALLY REARRANGED RONIN RAGDOLLS. Sometimes meeting your heroes turns out okay!
TCC: Who is your favorite comic book / movie / TV character – any fandom?
TROY: Hard to pick just one… CEREBUS was a huge influence on me, but he’s an awful character. Han Solo and Indiana Jones are my man crushes, so Harrison Ford gets top marks for playing lovable scoundrels.
TCC: What characters do you like drawing the most?
TROY: Hellboy is fun and The Maxx is really fun. I like to cartoon versions of superheroes and have fun with them in a Mad Magazine / Cracked sort of way.
TCC: Favorite fandom?
TROY: STAR WARS, ALIEN, INDIANA JONES. I can – and will – talk about those for days.
TCC: What projects are you working on right now? Do you have any projects coming up you’d like to mention?
TROY: I just finished up a MEESEEKS one-shot that will be part of the RICK AND MORTY VS DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS series I drew with Jim Zub and Patrick Rothfuss on scribe duties. That series was a ton of fun, I’d love to do more!
I finished and successfully crowdfunded on Kickstarter my third ANGORA NAPKIN graphic novel recently. I’m gearing up for a collaboration with my wife Brenda Hickey (MY LITTLE PONY, AGGRETSUKO) called BUTTERFLY HOUSE which we’ll be Kickstarting this spring. I’m also beginning work on my next graphic novel called THE ALLUSION OF LIFE which I’ll be launching as a web serial later this year.
TCC: Where is the best place for people see an example of your art online?
TROY: You can find me at www.pegamoosepress.com. Sign up for the occasional newsletter to keep up to date when the next Kickstarter launches. We’re also on Patreon, www.patreon.com/pegamoosepals, where Brenda and I update twice weekly all the stuff we’re working on.
I can’t wait for conventions to start again, I really miss travelling and I have so much fun at those shows. Meeting fans directly is the best and I really hope that become a reality again soon!
Thanks Troy for your time!
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