SDCF 2019: ‘What’s Wrong With Comics And How Can We Fix It?’ Panel


The San Diego Comic Fest is the friendly comic convention with a casual atmosphere and an intimate scale that allows fans to mingle directly with professionals and exhibitors. It’s the place where you can indulge your love of comics, science fiction, and films, and meet an outstanding array of professional creators without high-priced tickets, crowding, or long lines.

At the San Diego Comic Fest, you’ll find an extensive and eclectic program with things for every fan to enjoy. As you would expect of a comic con, there will be panel discussions; guest programs; an artist alley; tabletop gaming; cosplay; steampunk; an exhibitor hall full of your favourite comics, books, toys, and collectables; and much, much, more. All of this takes place in a relaxed setting that enables fans and professionals to hang out and enjoy good times talking about comics, science fiction, films, animation, and all the other things that fans love.

Find out more about San Diego Comic Fest at:

‘What’s Wrong With Comics and How Can We Fix It?’ (held in Lunar Cafe)

We all love comics, but there is no denying that comics have seen better days. Even as superheroes top the box office sales of comics are down and stores are closing. Join our panel of experts as we ask, “What’s wrong with comics?” Hosted by Barbara Kesel, Jamie Newbold, Chris Ryall and T.J. Shevlin.

Thanks to Dan Berry for the recording of the panel, and to the organisers of San Diego Comic Fest for allowing us to attend as press.


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