- Writer: Chris Condon
- Interior and Cover Artist: Jacob Phillips
Thanks to Image Comics for the review copy!
After a standalone first issue that introduced Sheriff Joe Bob (Joseph Robert!), the series since has followed Randy as he returned to Texas after his brother died. We’ve slowly been learning more about Randy, and the pressure has been mounting on him. This issue winds him up a little tighter while setting a new piece in motion that promises to send the series in a new direction. Remember that girlfriend he left in issue 2? I kind of forgot about her (and so did Randy apparently) and she’s decided to make her way to Texas herself.
As Sheriff Joe Bob pokes around the circumstances behind his brother’s death, Randy’s having a tough time. As has been the case with this series, the pace has been deliberately slow, teasing out details and turning the pressure up bit by bit. Joe Bob seems like a decent guy, but he’s no crime solving superstar.
The art is consistent with the series so far. This issue makes interesting use of coloring, shading pages in such a way that seems to reflect the character’s situation/mood. Randy’s girlfriend appears in brightly colored pages early, splashed with yellow, while other pages are tinged red and purple.
While I could probably summarize what actually ‘happens’ in this issue in a paragraph, that hasn’t been the point with this series. It’s about the journey and making you wonder what is coming down the road. In this case, I think the issue is setting up some fireworks for Issue 5. If you haven’t read That Texas Blood yet, I recommend starting with issue 2 to catch the start of this arc.
THAT TEXAS BLOOD #4 is now available.
Check back in a few weeks for my thoughts on issue #5, and check out the chat on Talkin’ Con: A Cup O Tea with An Englishman In San Diego with both Chris Condon and Jacob Phillips as they discus the title, and more.
Have you read the first 4 issues? Are you going to pick up the next issue? Feel free to chat with me on Twitter or leave a comment below!