Talkin’ Con: A Cup O’ Tea with An Englishman In San Diego s06e21 (10th March 2019)

TALKIN’ CON: A CUP O’ TEA WITH AN ENGLISHMAN IN SAN DIEGO is the weekly con culture live podcast, broadcasting every Sunday (6pm GMT / 10am PT / 1pm ET) and hosted by Leonard Sultana.


“…There’s the Emerald City. Oh, we’re almost there at last, at last!”

Yes, it’s almost here – Emerald City Comic Con is only a few weeks away and we’ll be previewing the show on today’s hangout, talking about all of the sights and sounds that attendees can be distracted by at one of ReedPop‘s flagship events.

And, as well as looking at the show in the whole, we’ll also be following on our conversations with special guest about the trials and tribulations, highs and lows, of appearing at such events – last week, we spoke to a small self-published comics creative about her experiences and this week, it;s the turn of one of the industries biggest players! Valiant Entertainment are representing huge at ECCC and Editor Heather Antos will be one of the faces for the company, her first con for Valiant since she joined late last year.

Heather is one of the best and brightest comics editors in the game, coming fresh from a run of blockbuster titles for Marvel and now taking on the multitude of characters and books which make up the Valiant Universe. We’ll be talking to Heather about what Valiant have is store for ECCC, and what she’ll be expecting from the show as well.

We”ll also bring out thoughts on this weekends ICE International Comic Expo Brighton, checking out the programming for CCI’s WonderCon Anaheim show, and bringing Leonard’s spoiler-free take on CAPTAIN MARVEL. Here’s hoping you can join us LIVE!

TALKIN’ CON: A CUP O’ TEA WITH AN ENGLISHMAN IN SAN DIEGO is the weekly con culture live podcast, broadcasting every Sunday (6pm GMT / 10am PT / 1pm ET) and hosted by Leonard Sultana.

Each week, the best bloggers on t’web talk about con culture and, for an hour or so, we invite guests to talk to us and get nerdy and geeky about everything that orbit the best comics and pop culture conventions on the planet!

TALKIN’ CON: A CUP O’ TEA… is broadcasted live on YouTube, and then shared to our SoundCloud and iTunes Podcast channels, as well as our Patreon page ( Please Like, Subscribe, Share and Comment to support our efforts!

Our Guests, this week:

  • Heather Antos, Valiant Entertainment
  • …more amazing guests, to be announced!

Talkin’ Con is YOUR show – if you have anything you’d like to have discussed in these shows, or a guest that you would like us to feature, leave a comment below or drop us a line at – we’d love to hear what you’d like to talk about. And don’t forget to join in the conversation LIVE during the show, using the Q&A button in the video preview above or on Twitter (#CupOTeaAEISD)

See you all, this and every Sunday, at 6pm GMT… LIVE!


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