Man-Eaters #6 Written by Chelsea Cain, Art by Kate Niemczyk, Color by Rachelle Rosenberg, Lettering by Joe Caramagna

Thanks to Image Comics for providing a copy of Man-Eaters #6 for review!
“INDELIBLE IN THE HIPPOCAMPUS” Maude’s plan to disrupt the Patriarchy is temporarily thwarted. BUT EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY IN THE END. WE PROMISE.
As this series continues, the amount of atrocious behavior toward women/girls just gets worse and worse! It’s really no wonder that Maude and her classmates are actively trying to rebel against the chemical and biological manipulation forced on them. It’s mind-boggling that no one seems to want to stand up for these girls.
It’s really difficult to watch Maude defend herself to her own father. It clearly shows how brainwashed the male populace is to believe that all women are fundamentally flawed. They have been fed too many lies, and far too much testosterone to believe otherwise.
Personally, I am very interested to see how this group of young women will attempt to destroy or reform the existing system. With a society this backwards, I’m not sure how you reach a point of coexistence, but I would love to see that happen.
I’m looking forward to future issues in this series! I’m hooked on this premise and I need more were-cats!
Man-Eaters #6 is on shelves now!
Read my review of Man-Eaters Vol. 1 here.
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