- Writers: Rob Pilkington
- Artist: Kit Mills
- Letterer: Ariana Maher
- Editor: Sebastian Girner
- Editorial Assistant: Mariam Fayez
- Title and Cover Design: Jared K. Fletcher
- Book Design: Jeff Powell
Thanks to Don’t Hide PR for the review copy!
DAME FROM THE DARK is a quirky detective mystery that puts a new spin on an oft used magic schtick. What makes this title original is the fact that the detective’s sidekick is a ghost. Tommy the detective and his apparition sidekick have great chemistry. Along with their back and forth dialogue, there are some funny lines from minor characters. In addition, the magician at the center of the case is filled with the perfect amount of pompous arrogance.
The book effectively uses color to differentiate the ghost character. The panels vary the perspective of the scene. Sometimes the view is from one of the main character’s point of view and other times it depicts what the audience at the magic show would see. It’s subtle, but it makes for an interesting read.
While it seems like there is some history between the two main characters, this issue tells a completely self contained story. This is a fun story that focuses on the kind of case a small time detective would take on (as opposed to averting a worldwide cataclysmic crisis) and uses that story to develop a fun relationship between its two main characters. Thanks in part to the coloring, you can pick up this issue and understand it without any prior knowledge of the characters. DAME FROM THE DARK has some minor violence and a little cursing, so take that into account if you are considering letting your children read this title.
DAME FROM THE DARK is now available.
Have you read the issue? What were your thoughts? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.