Writer Chris Condon, Interior and Cover A Artist Jacob Phillips, Cover B Artist Sean Phillips
Thanks to Image Comics for the review copy!
Cover A – Jacob Phillips Cover B – Sean Phillips
THAT TEXAS BLOOD is a simple story about an aging town Sheriff (and his wife who really wants their casserole dish back). It doesn’t have any superheroes, explosions, or alien invasions. Rather, it tells a pretty simple tale with more human stakes. Along the way, dual themes of aging and making some bad decisions are explored. The Sheriff, Joseph Robert (Joe Bob) Coates certainly isn’t a super sleuth. He’s just an ordinary guy. He’s kind of likable, but I also found myself shouting at him when he did certain things. This isn’t a criticism, I think that was the point.
While the story is pretty straightforward, there was an odd flashback/dream sequence that seemed a bit out of place. With that said, it’s possible it ties into a bigger story in future issues or I’m missing something.
While this issue isn’t particularly violent, there is some blood and a particularly grisly panel in the aforementioned out of place scene. Issue 1 tells a self contained story, so if you are interested in checking it out you can sample it without needing to commit to a long arc. Moving forward, I’m curious to see if THAT TEXAS BLOOD continues to build on this story, or if it is more of an anthology series.
THAT TEXAS BLOOD #1 is now available.
Have you read the first issue? Are you going to pick up the next issue? Feel free to chat with me on Twitter or leave a comment below!