Writer: James Tynion IV
Penciler: Fernando Blanco
Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
Edits: Steve Foxe
Designer: Dylan Todd
Thanks to Image Comics for the review copy!

PH34R makes her presence known. Violent attacks have suddenly accelerated and Gabriel has one last move to stop the undernet before the world as we know it is destroyed. The runaway sci-fi horror hit from James Tynion IV and team comes to the end of its first arc with a curveball that will rock you to your core.
Wow! Wow! Wow! What an issue. Writing A+. Art A++. Everything just hits and it hits hard! So much to take in and digest here. This creative team is literally on fire and I don’t think there was an issue of this first arc that was weak or didn’t carry some overall weight in regards to advancing the story. In this issue we see the future of 2049 where it’s presumed the undernet won. We see Ellison, alone, amongst a backdrop of a fallen city and masses of what appears to be giant PH34R like followers. He talks about uploading new files on presumably W0rldtr33 but it’s unclear what is happening. Flash backwards to present day and we finally get a wild explanation about PH34R and the twist that was divulged in the final pages of issue #4. It’s a pretty interesting take on the whole situation with Gabriel and now Sammie (PH34R) engaged in a battle of wits and judgment. It’s made clear that PH34R no longer recognizes her human (MEAT) side and believes the real world is dead as we know it. Meanwhile Investigator Silk finds out that the Undernet is spreading rapidly and has accelerated around the country and across the globe. Worldwide murder and violence continues its spread across social media platforms live and is almost unavoidable now. It is here that Gabriel makes the critical decision to do what he must to stop PH34R and a lot of crazy shit happens over the next few pages. I don’t want to spoil it but it’s pure madness and sheer brilliance the way the creative sets us up for the next arc. This will have ramifications!! There is so much that happens in this issue you DON’T want to miss it! The first five issues of this book might be some of the best I’ve ever read and looked at. That’s saying something folks! If it continues at this pace I might even venture to say it’s better than SIKTC! I know! Crazy right?? It has a way to go before we can officially make that assumption but time will tell. It’s going to be very hard waiting for the next arc to drop. Get on board people! Check it out today!
My rating – 10/10 SUPERB!!
W0RLDTR33 #5 is now out.
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